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Is it bad luck to believe in anything supernatural?

Posted - November 27, 2016


  • nope .   "super - natural  just  " means  "beyond  natural" .   and "natural"  can be broken  into personal experience  .    what is  natural to  you  may not be to  others  .  a cigarette  lighter is perfectly  natural to  you  ..   but show  one to a caveman and he would poop a pink twinkie ! . 
    then  you have    the meaning   of  beyond the laws   of nature  ,  which  is  limited by the fact that   many aspects  of nature are beyond  our  laws  . there is much we dont  know  yet about  nature  .  

    the fear  campaign  against   the   supernatural  is mostly due to  propaganda  from the church ..
     which is  ironic  , since  they  have talking snakes ,  walking on water , parting the sea  ,,  staffs turning into  gators , resurrection .  etc....etc  ...

    " ummmm.. all  supernatural stuff . is  evil  ....  ummm.. cept ours  ..  "  lol 
      November 28, 2016 12:23 AM MST

  • 13395
    Yes ..okay. Believing in God gives me bad luck.  This post was edited by Kittigate at November 28, 2016 12:29 AM MST
      November 28, 2016 12:27 AM MST

  • pooping a pink twinkie   has got to be  bad luck  too  me thinks    ;-)

      November 28, 2016 12:48 AM MST

  • 1523
    Not that I know of.
      November 28, 2016 2:41 PM MST