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Discussion » Questions » Politics » The EXPENSIVE part of Obamacare is the provision that insurance companies CAN'T refuse coverage for a pre-existing condition..

The EXPENSIVE part of Obamacare is the provision that insurance companies CAN'T refuse coverage for a pre-existing condition..


Trump wants to KEEP that provision.  But, NOT the mandate that pays for it..  How is that gonna work?


Posted - November 30, 2016


  • 372
    Good point. Look for Trump to continue to shoot from the hip having no clue where the bullets are flying off to.
      November 30, 2016 9:03 AM MST

  • The most expensive part is it doesn't address any of the practices in HC that have grossly inflated the cost of it.  We need a better system for sure.  Obamacare isn't working not because it's "evil socialized medicine" or that it isn't funded enough. It isn't working because it doesn't address the ridiculous prices and practices that hospitals and drug companies charge in their monopolies.  We need something better and most of all we need to wrangle the hospitals and drug companies that are the reason HC is unaffordable whether it be private or public. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 30, 2016 9:36 AM MST
      November 30, 2016 9:10 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello Glis:

    Sounds like you support single payer..  Me too.  Oh, NOT because I'm opposed to profit.  I'm a capitalist, after all.  I'm opposed to GREED, GOUGING, and CRONY CAPITALISM. 

    you noted, we no longer can afford our "FOR PROFIT" health care.

      November 30, 2016 9:25 AM MST

  • I tend too kinda.  Like you I'm not opposed to profit at all.  There's a difference between capitalism and profits and extortion though.
    I was somewhat opposed to Obamacare when it came out.  Not because I'm against any kind of socialized medicine, but because no one was actually addressing the absurd costs imposed on it.  Shifting the same inflated and extortionist costs isn't really a solution.  Even some single payer plans I've seen proposed  don't address that problem.
    There can still be great profits in healthcare without it being the way it is now.  If I start a business the average profit on a good or service is usually around 30-40 cents profit to the dollar.  Not $3 on my $1 or something absurd like that.  Healthcare providers and drug companies have gotten to the point where it seems their definition of profits= quick and easy money.
      November 30, 2016 9:35 AM MST