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Can getting very angry cause you to lose your marbles? Can being mad make you mad? How?

Posted - December 2, 2016


  • 1615
    I read an article on that subject and experts agree that it is possible due to extreme anger like what is happening to the liberal democrats, I really don't know of course but based on their reaction to the election it seems to be true.
      December 2, 2016 9:21 AM MST

  • 113301
    I see. So Liberal Democrats is what comes to mind for you ony? T'is a pity you are so limited. I had such high hopes for you. Thank you for your reply TT and Happy Friday to thee.
      December 2, 2016 9:49 AM MST

  • 1615
    My reply is in reference to the latest occurrences Rosie, the reaction after the election was in many cases was over the top by burnings and over turning cars and people hurting people I am a independent and vote for the person I think will bring a positive change and now was the time, as you can see it's easy to rile the left (for fun )
      December 2, 2016 1:36 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for the clarification Tom. So you enjoy riling people on the left for "fun" . Different strokes. :(
      December 3, 2016 2:08 AM MST

  • I don't know if the term has international usage, but in Oz if a person is unduly angry for some unfathomable reason, he's said to sh1t on the liver. I'm no medico but I remember reading that anger causes the liver to produce an excess of bile and it is the bile in your bloodstream that fuels your anger.
      December 2, 2016 10:53 AM MST

  • 113301
    That's very interesting Didge. I would think intense emotions like hate/rage would have to impact your body in a very negative way. I did not know that bile in the bloodstream fuels anger.  It seems to me no one should want to do that. I wonder which emotion does the most damage to the body?. Intense hate. Intense fear. Intense anger. I would think intense love would only do good but if jealousy is involved then that could be harmful too. Thank you for your informative and helpful reply. I appreciate it! :)
      December 3, 2016 2:10 AM MST

  • I dunno, Rosie. If I had my druthers, I'druther not hate. I can't think of any emotion more damaging. Anger wanes but hate festers. In a very long life I've only met one person I would choose to hate and, for my own well-being, I chose not to. I would never offer her a hand if she needed assistance, I have never thought a good thought about her (mostly I don't think of her at all) but I refuse to hate. It wouldn't hurt her and it would eat me away.
      December 3, 2016 11:55 AM MST

  • 3934
    Of course anger can cause us to (temporarily) lose our marbles. We have all witnessed people who, in fits of pique, have done all sorts of silly and even harmful things.

    With regards to the question of anger causing long-term mental illness, the picture is a bit more complicated. Generally what causes anger is some form of perceived stress ("That idiot cut me off in traffic and nearly hit me!"). We are neurologically wired to experience stress, react to the stress, then return to our previous state of relative calm.

    What tends to cause long-term mental health problems is not necessarily the subjective state of anger produced by stress, but the repeated exposure to stress, regardless of our emotional reaction to it.
      December 2, 2016 11:04 AM MST

  • 113301
    Which emotion can do the most harm to the body OS? Intense anger, hate, fear? I think intense love if coupled with jealousy/possessiveness would also be very harmful. Mahalo for your reply! :)
      December 3, 2016 2:13 AM MST

  • 3934
    @RosieG -- I'm not sure that's a question that can be empirically answered with any degree of accuracy.

    Scientists can measure stress reactions in terms of heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, milliliters of cortisol per deciliter of blood volume, and so forth. Scientists CANNOT measure, except very indirectly, subjective emotional states. They are largely dependent upon the self-reporting of those experiencing the emotional states, and those self-reported answers can be biased by all sorts of social and cultural factors (for example, people from a culture where expressions of anger are considered taboo might underreport their subjective feelings of anger).

    Beyond that, you have forgotten the first thing taught in Abnormal Psychology classes: the definitions of "normal" and "abnormal" are extremely subjective and "squishy."

    Consider PET: By many measures, he is "suffering from" narcissisitc personality disorder. Yet, he is a reasonably successful businessman who is able to relate to other people (esp. mating partners) and who recently gained enormous political power. Is he "mad," "crazy like a fox," or something else?

    As usual, the answer to your question distills to, "It's complicated."
      December 3, 2016 2:51 AM MST

  • 113301
    I saw that coming sweetie. If you had not said "It's complicated" I would have. I honestly do not understand how someone like PET could possibly be successful UNLESS what he has shown us as a candidate and now P-E is all fake. He is a lying/obnoxious/insulting/demeaning/disgusting person. There is nothing I have seen that explains how folks could be sucked in and conned so easily by him. I cannot think of one thing I admire about him. Now maybe the "real" Trump has some excellent qualities. He did not "win" the election by sharing those. He "won" by pandering to the lowest common denominator and still is doing that. His "Thank You" tour is a bullsh** excuse for more rallies. He feeds off the adoration/adulation. What kind of people are they who worship him so?  I also do not understand them. They are a different species as far as I can see. Completely. They support/adore/worship someone whose actions will harm them in many cases and they do not give a rat's a**! He has already reneged on some  campaign promises and as far as I can see they have not abandoned him or turned on him. They are seriously caught in his web of deceit and they don't care.  Can YOU explain it? Mahalo for your additional comments! :)
      December 3, 2016 3:04 AM MST

  • 3934
    @RosieG -- No, I can't really explain it. I, like you, saw The Donald as an obvious narcissistic con man and, while I understand some people who had the impulse to vote for him simply because he was nominally a political "outsider," I do NOT understand the apparent compulsion by many of his supporters to overlook his obvious flaws.

    I can give you pieces of explanations, but nothing that really provides a coherent overall framework.
      December 3, 2016 3:10 AM MST

  • 113301
    And look at the folks he is selecting for government positions? The swamp dwellers. The lobbyists. The politically connected astute wealthy. A racist is his chief of staff I think (Steve Bannon). Tom Price, head of health and human services is very Anti-Medicare. Betsy DeVos the billionaire who will head  the department of education  I believe loves VOUCHERS and thinks very little of public education so you can surely see where any money will be going when she takes charge . The guy who heads the  environmental department (or whatever it's called) is not a believer in Global Warming. I mean at every turn he is hiring in the very worst. Two new names being floated for Secretary of State are the current and former presidents of ExxonMobile. Maybe a beard. Maybe serious. He betrayed his peeps by not going after Hillary although if he gets pressured enough I suppose he could reverse himself and do so. He is a loose cannon who is already acting as if he is the prez. His Thank You tour is just the beginning of constant "love me" rallies. I cahn't stend it!  :(
      December 3, 2016 3:22 AM MST