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Discussion » Questions » Politics » Drug warriors SAY we haven't WON the war on drugs BECAUSE we haven't CRACKED down hard enough yet. Trump is about to UNLEASH the DEA.

Drug warriors SAY we haven't WON the war on drugs BECAUSE we haven't CRACKED down hard enough yet. Trump is about to UNLEASH the DEA.


The president of the Philippines is KILLING non violent drug dealers.  Trump LOVES it, and SAID so.  He's about to drop the hammer here.  Is that COOL with you??  What would you LIKE the DEA to do?  What WILL they do?  Should they?



Posted - December 4, 2016


  • The DEA should disband.  That's what they should do.  Quit filling for profit prisons and wasting our tax dollars.
    DEA doesn't fight cartels,  the DEA is WHY we HAVE violent cartels.

    Lets see:

    We have rabid pitbull style SWAT teams kicking down doors with military weapons and tactics.
    We spend billions locking people up and trying to catch the drugs
    We send provocateurs,spies, and military/police agents into other nations to carry out fights against suppliers.
    We have the DEA work with the FBI, CIA, military, US Marshals, and every other agency.  Funded up the wazoo and with any piece of equipment they want.
    We do nothing in terms of harm reduction. ZILCH

    Yeah we really aren't fighting hard enough.  Maybe we should bring in the nukes.  Just the little ones.


      December 4, 2016 8:22 AM MST