Discussion»Questions»Communication» Isn't it strange that there is an advert. for the 10 best movies regarding Mental Illness? Why would they advertise HERE?????? HUH?????
Perhaps they did a survey of 'Muggers' and found that they like 'One Flew Over the Coo-coo's Nest'.
This post was edited by B.H.Wilson at December 5, 2016 11:04 PM MST
LMAO I'm guessing it was a "targeted ad." Some of them are "smart" and try to present things that are relevant to you. Although I'm practically falling out of my chair because of the implications of you seeing this particular ad, I also know that you could be seeing it because of a question you were on or due to visiting another site for the sake of research/ random surfing.
Can't resist laughing, Sharonna. You have a style about you which is way out flamboyant, humorous, wacky, highly variable and passionate so some marketer has s interpreted that via some automated programe...