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Discussion » Statements » I am really not liking this winter stuff!

I am really not liking this winter stuff!

It's cold and grey and miserable... fed up of feeling cold, fed up of ice on the car when i go to work and when I come back.. The cold is bad enough but it's the grey that irks me.... yuck hate it... OK so it was sunny on Saturday and I think there was some sunshine today.. but there's more grey than sun and I'm bored of it now!

I wouldn't mind but we don't even get snow here other than the odd day once a year or so if we are lucky.. so it's not even fun.. it's just cold and grey and misty.
Hurry up spring...

Posted - December 5, 2016


  • Very cold and very bright here.  Although 'very' is highly subjective.  Give it a week though and the cold will be gone and it'll just be rain until ... well, next summer probably.
      December 5, 2016 4:16 PM MST

  • LOl well i bet it is still better than we have.. we can't even do cold properly.. it's -3c or 26F at most... so you feel cold but it's not really enough to wrap up warm and put on a nice warm coat...and as i say no snow... just cold and grey... 
      December 5, 2016 4:23 PM MST

  • 1441
    i understand what you mean dear 'original poster'....

    but me i gotta say in a sense.... i like winter cuz its more solitary,... less people in the streets... maybe a better time for thinking what to do in the future...

    i like summer too , but .... less... when its not going too well in my life... and im sad... summer is less lonely... theres people everywhere and its warm...

    idk how to explain...

    i cannot quick reply lol
      December 5, 2016 4:25 PM MST

  • Winter is my favorite time of year for outdoor activities so I can't really relate.  My only complaint so far is no snow.
    After the grueling hot summer we had, I am glad it's over.   Summer isn't all that great to me anyways.  Prolly my least favorite season in fact.
      December 6, 2016 8:27 AM MST

  • well that's fair enough but imagine a country where we almost NEVER get snow... one day a year if we are lucky and even then mostly it never settles... so no outdoor activities.. just grey, grey skies and damp... yuckkkkkkkkk
      December 8, 2016 10:10 AM MST

  • I hear ya'.   The way I've heard England's winters described before and now by you does sound miserable. Except for a few who happened to be from the upper parts.  The few British ex-pats I've known also said our road system and city/town designs are better set up to manage the snow as well compared to the places over there that  do get snowy winters.
      December 8, 2016 10:21 AM MST

  • Hm i'd agree on all that but... not the roads being better set up.. we hear the opposite.. that it just takes a few flurries of snow and we all take the day off because we are too scared to get caught in the snow.. and we all drive like snails going soooooooooo slow we actually cause accidents cos it isn't necessary and just irritates everyone...  this is for snow that barely settles and you guys just carry on with 10 x more snow and act like it's just a flurry.. we are wimps when it comes to snow.. mainly because we see it so rarely these days that we all panic and run round like headless chickens..  lol needless to say everyone except me :P
      December 8, 2016 10:42 AM MST

  • I've heard that too.   I know what you're talking about too.  You see it here in other areas when they get hit on an off chance. Us northerners kinda laugh at when we see the the southern areas get an inch , see them panic, and just keep using the brakes and over steering. I'm just going by what a few have mentioned on the roads being planned for plowing snow  better.  
    I'd imagine we tend to have snow tires more often because we expect to need them and that makes a night and day difference. Just speculating on that though. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 8, 2016 3:38 PM MST
      December 8, 2016 11:42 AM MST

  • 10
    I agree that the hysteria an inch of snow causes down south is silly, but the same feelings of humor you find during the winter, are shared with us during the summer when the temp hits 90 and people start dropping like flies...
      December 8, 2016 11:49 AM MST

  • hey at least we know 70 isn't cold hoody weather. lol
    It's just not nice when it's 90 and humid.   It's so gross. ;)
    Cold toughens you up. ;o

    ( You are correct though.  When it hits 90 and the humidity is high.  Most people I know wanna kill something we become so irritated. Dry heat isn't that bad though.  100 out west in the desert isn't nearly  as bad as 80 in Florida) This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 8, 2016 11:55 AM MST
      December 8, 2016 11:53 AM MST

  • 10
    Here in Houston, it MIGHT cool down to 90 at night in august.
      December 8, 2016 12:05 PM MST

  • Hell with that.  Humid too or dry?  That's really what makes the difference IMHO.   When it gets hot like that here , the dampness shoots right up.  That's the part that sucks.
      December 8, 2016 12:07 PM MST

  • Maybe up north... I am a southern softie.. tho  I don't think even Scotland gets that much snow... I've never seen enough snow even TO plough here.. .I didn't know we even have snow ploughs!  We do have gritters.. that go out overnight and salt the main roads so that people can still use the main roads.
      December 8, 2016 3:40 PM MST

  • 10
    Humid...  this place in the summertime is on par with hell I do believe.  The original settlers must have broken their wagon, or their animals died of heat stroke.  On the plus side, the humidity is good for your skin.
      December 8, 2016 12:16 PM MST