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Discussion » Questions » Computers and the Internet » In the olden days of long ago on another internet social site the point was to get points. That was the point. Some never got it. WHY?

In the olden days of long ago on another internet social site the point was to get points. That was the point. Some never got it. WHY?

Some folks only showed up to insult. They wasted their time and their answers. Who is going to give points to someone who is so obtuse that he/she uses the question to insult? I mean seriously folks they were brain-damaged beyond repair. If you don't get the point of what's going on of what value are you to anyone?

Posted - December 6, 2016


  • I been on a few point based SM sites with leaderboards based on them It was retarded and only encouraged people to post as much boring BS as they could in order to get the #1 spot on a meaningless leaderboard thing.  It was like kindergarteners trying to get gold stars on the chalkboard.
    Sodahead suffered due to that and had a bunch of idiots who would just ask questions like " Do you eat cheese?" just to get points for the board.
      December 6, 2016 9:14 AM MST

  • 113301
    Were you ever on Answerbag Glis? My kid invited me to scope it out. I did and liked what I saw and I stayed...from February 2005 when I joined until it died December 2015. I wasn't going for points. I was enjoying my conversations with folks there some of whom have migrated here because we had nowhere else to go. Here's my point. Why be nasty/obnoxious/insulting? If you are in a crappy mood isolate yourself. Do not inflict yourself on others. I can ask "what did you have for lunch today?" "What is your favorite color"? That is not my MO. I have no problem with those who enjoy those questions. Why do you? Thank you for your reply! :) 
      December 6, 2016 10:31 AM MST

  • I peeked at it long ago but never participated.   Just knew about it and seen it.
    On Sodahead ( the site I was on)  it got ridiculous.   There where quite a few people who would come on and post lame questions like that by the dozens all at once and repeat them.  It would be like " Do you like cheese?"   "What's your favorite kind of cheese?"   "What's a good sandwich for swiss cheese?"  and so one for pages and pages of questions.  It was all by a few members who cared about nothing other than getting the points for asking a question and to be on the board.  No one cared about the questions and deeper or fun topics would get buried by these stupid questions.  I think you may have had to be there to know exactly how obnoxious and dumb it got.  Most of the people who did it didn't even bother responding or talking after posting them.

    The questions you gave as an examples are kinda different to what I am talking about.   These were really pointless and dumb and by people with no other intention than leaderboard spots.
      December 6, 2016 10:39 AM MST

  • 113301
    There was a couple there who were there for that purpose only. They drove away a dear friend of mine who LEGITIMATELY was on top of the leaderboard. The scammed and schemed and got away with it. Why I do not know. We had a guy who went through all 50 states asking the same question and just changing the states. He got away with it. We had a gal who kinda copied and did the same dam*  thing. I never played that game. Who I am now is who I have always been. I NEVER looked at leader boards. I didn't give a sh ** about them. I would have preferred no points at all and often said so. But there were some mighty swell folks there who never came over to Answermug. I miss all of them. The swell ones. Not  the jacka**es! Sadly some of them have come over too. What's a gal gonna do?  :(                                        
      December 6, 2016 11:08 AM MST

  • " What's a gal gonna do?"

    Just keep on , keepin' on I suppose.
      December 6, 2016 11:09 AM MST

  • 113301
    That's the only viable choice. :)
      December 7, 2016 8:11 AM MST