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Has anyone been blown up by a Samsung phone yet? They won't let them on airlines, I am told. Who would buy that?

Posted - December 7, 2016


  • 1523
    I sure wouldn't.
      December 7, 2016 3:13 PM MST

  • It was only the latest models affected ... It was a screw up on Samsung's part .. a bad one, no argument .... But my Samsung I've had for two years .. never missed a beat
      December 7, 2016 3:25 PM MST

  • I love samsung phones ... id buy them in a heartbeat... thing is.. sanely and reasonably we shouldnt over react.... it's just a few models.. there are criticisms of most brands of most things.. iphone's allegedly have poor coverage in the UK...
      December 7, 2016 3:50 PM MST

  • Same here :)
      December 7, 2016 3:52 PM MST

  • 44544
    It would be cool to watch. I would call 911 on my old flip phone.
      December 7, 2016 4:10 PM MST

  • 19938

    Me, too.  Love those reliable flip phones that don't blow up in your pocket or purse. 

      December 7, 2016 7:31 PM MST

  • Samsung is great. They had a major problem with one recent model and reacted responsibly to that. The rest are OK.
      December 7, 2016 5:22 PM MST

  • 19938
    Please, they replaced those phones and the replacements blew up in some cases, too.  Who would buy a phone with that possible problem?  Now, I hear they have had some of their washing machines blow up.  I wouldn't buy anything made by Samsung.
      December 7, 2016 7:32 PM MST