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So a bunch of hippie squatter artists got burned up in an arthouse in Oakland California? Is that what happened?

On December 2, 2016, at approximately 11:30 p.m. PST, a fire broke out in a warehouse, known as Ghost Ship, that was converted into an artist collective and into unpermitted dwelling units in the Fruitvale neighborhood of Oakland, California. At the time of the fire, the warehouse was hosting a concert without a permit promoted by the house music record label 100% Silk.[3]

A total of 36 people were killed in the fire, the deadliest in the history of Oakland.[4][5][6] It was also the deadliest building fire in the United States since The Station nightclub fire in 2003,[7] the deadliest in California since the 1906 San Francisco earthquake[3] and the deadliest mass-casualty event in Oakland since the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.[8]

Posted - December 9, 2016


  • 3934
    Hey, the magic of capitalism at work!

    I read somewhere  the building had not had a safety inspection in 30 years. Yet, somehow, the property owner(s) had not invested the money to upgrade the building to modern safety standards. I wonder why....:-P...
      December 9, 2016 10:52 AM MST

  • Dude,  it's a tragedy.   Yet if they were squatters doesn't that kinda mean they broke in, were trespassing, therefor are basically stealing the space?
    I can see if the owner was collecting rent and trying to pass it off as safe fro habitation.   Yet, they were basically stealing the space.   I really don't see how a building owner should be responsible for the safety of people who have no business being there and breaking in.
    If the building isn't being legitimately used, then what need is there for a safety inspection and how can anyone justify holding an owner in any responsible for the safety of vandals that are trespassing?   It doesn't make any sense and takes responsibility away from the entitled persons who think they have a right to other peoples private property.

    Blame capitalism all you want, but it has zilch to do with it. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 9, 2016 2:41 PM MST
      December 9, 2016 2:39 PM MST

  • 3934
    @Glis -- Please read.
      December 9, 2016 2:45 PM MST

  • Nevermind.  I did find more articles with real info about it.   Everything I seen up to this point had labelled it a squat and the people there squatters.   Damn I wish reporters would learn the definitions of words before they use them sometimes.  It now seems it wasn't squatting at all but a used commercial building.   That's not squatting or what a squat is.   Must have been slow news days to make this a national news story and then misreport so widely to boot.  Thanks SKOS.

    Still not really the fault of an economic system though.
      December 9, 2016 3:30 PM MST