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Discussion » Questions » Computers and the Internet » We know the anonymity of the internet gives otherwise cowardly people the courage to be nasty/insulting/rude. Are they wimps in real life?

We know the anonymity of the internet gives otherwise cowardly people the courage to be nasty/insulting/rude. Are they wimps in real life?

Does everyone have someone who intimidates him/her? The boss who is always rude/demanding goes home to a shrew of a wife and gets no peace at all. So he takes it out on the his subordinates at work because he can.   Every fish has another fish who is big enough to bite him. And that fish has another fish and so on ad infinitum. Which fish intimidates you and whom do you take it out on? Why?

Posted - December 12, 2016


  • 5450
    I can answer the first part of this question because my half brother was nasty/insulting/rude on the internet.  He's the only person I knew who was like that so yeah, small sample, I know.

    He's the same way IRL.  He really isn't wimpy or cowardly but he is just a loser so when he's in internet forums the people he attacks are the people that are the most like the way he really is.

    He loved telling unemployed or underemployed people on the internet to take personal responsibility which was one of his favorite buzzwords on line.  IRL he never had a real job and he got kicked out of college.  He never made a whole lot of money and my dad bailed him out when he ran up a credit card bill he couldn't pay.  My dad says paying off his credit card was one of the biggest mistakes he ever made.  He didn't thank dad for bailing him out, he just bad mouthed him instead.

    His other favorite targets on line were guys who had a hard time finding dates.  He was always nasty/insulting/rude to them but he's never been married and he's never really had a girlfriend himself lol.

    So yeah, sorry internet tough guys, when I see you I see my half brother.

    This post was edited by Livvie at December 13, 2016 5:42 AM MST
      December 12, 2016 7:59 PM MST

  • 113301
    This is an OUTSTANDING reply Livvie and do you know why? Because you shared a real-life example. Those are always the best.  Condolences to you. It must not be pleasant to be around someone like that.  The other big plus about is I love Gene Wilder. Who doesn't? Thank you for thoughtful and very helpful way you answered my question m"dear and Happy Tuesday! :)
      December 13, 2016 5:46 AM MST