No, but I was tired of listening to the same old same talk about how active the political threads are. There's been said plenty without substance or facts. End of story. JA can have the material if she likes.
I wouldn't have any idea the exact number of questions. Anybody that had THAT much time on their hands to count them really needs a hobby. Believe me, I got up to 50 trashy questions before I gave up. ;))
Yes, I agree with the math. Over what period of time were you counting? Has the average count changed since the fuss of the elections has died down a bit? Could we take some educated guesses as to why the political questions are more numerous? And perhaps have some discussions about it...
Means we need an open mind when talking about it. Not just what I have met when I asked a question yesterday if it would harm the political posters if they were going to post their questions inside the debate room.
Apparently several members as ex members who left because of the majority of political questions on the main board. I take it you won't care and good for you. Others do.
Get your facts straight and start to engage in a real and sincere to-way dialogue if you want anything from me in the future. Your BS isn't working on me. Go save the world fighting someone else. I can fight Trump supporters if I want to engage in this kind of baloney. Bye.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 13, 2016 9:20 AM MST
Excuse the butting in here, but if a question showed only the most current response, that would help tremendously. That would cut back on a lot of repeate questions showing on the home page.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 13, 2016 9:35 AM MST
That would solve a lot of the issue. Instead of seeing the same question on the main page 15 different times, you'd only see it once. Every other site I'm on is set up that way. You on;y see the most current response to a question. That's how the old AM was as well.
I know the old aM was. Opportunities to filter by recent, most viewed, most active, last active would help a lot. The less active and popular questions would drop down in the appearance. And if someone specifically wants to look up political questions they could be found inside the categories. It could work out although I don't know how easy it could be implemented by JA and dev. Worth a shot though, and I think most would get what they ask for. Hmm.
You want REAL SINCERE TWO WAY conversation??? Ok, I RUN a business.. EVERYBODY in the world has an OPINION about how WRONG I run it.. In your SLIPPERY back handed way, you're telling JA that she's doing it WRONG.. If you were TRULY being sincere, it's SHE who you should be addressing about your concerns, and OFFLINE to boot. Not, slithering around about it, and looking for your buddies to pile on...
PS> Even IF this is the wrong spot for my post, I will NOT move it!! You may go ahead and SLAM me all you want.. It'll BE HERE, I promise.