Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » If the differences that keep us apart were all eliminated would'nt humans just manufacture them towards the same end?

If the differences that keep us apart were all eliminated would'nt humans just manufacture them towards the same end?

How many places in the world where all are the same are places of complete harmony?

Posted - December 13, 2016


  • 46117
    There would be nothing left but our true divine selves. 
      December 13, 2016 1:19 PM MST

  • 5614
    But again your true divine self would set yourself apart from other true divine selves by manufactured differences. We are all Americans but some are Liberal and some are Conservative for example.
      December 13, 2016 1:23 PM MST

  • 17652
    The less diversity, the happier people are.  
      December 13, 2016 1:24 PM MST

  • Oh I dont know, I would say that there are many societies that thrive on diversity and celebrate it..
      December 13, 2016 3:24 PM MST

  • 17652
    I agree that you don't know.  I only know what I've read, which is quite a bit on this subject.  It is a logical conclusion.
      December 13, 2016 7:38 PM MST

  • Ahem... did you mean to say in connection with myself that i don't know.. only if so please use your intelligence and understanding to accept that on this occasion I was distinctly underplaying my own knowledge out of humility and tact. In actual fact as I say there ARE societies that celebrate diversity and you will find that MOSTLY the UK does so.. I was just being tactful and polite, taking into account the predominant make up of this site and choosing to again undersell myself and the UK.. We surely are not money orientated shallow people who feel we have to get ahead to be worth anything, we value diversity and difference AND we speak to people in a respectful manner that doesn't insult or belittle them..

    There are factually other nations that do the same.. just saying.
      December 14, 2016 8:00 AM MST

  • There are places with way more harmony that's for sure... but they aren't necessarily all the same.. people can be content with a society where there are people richer and poorer than them... It seems to me that some societies, arguably America are more money orientated and the desire is to be rich.... that's not the case in many other societies.. so where you don't have that you have perhaps more harmony and less resentment? 

    Aside from that I agree that it's almost impossible to be all equal.. even in communist societies, which are a good idea in theory, everyone is not equal, some are more equal than others.... 
      December 13, 2016 3:23 PM MST