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Discussion » Questions » Politics » We are terrified of Terrorists, yet we elected a White Supremacist who is filling the Oval with other White Supremacists? All the same.

We are terrified of Terrorists, yet we elected a White Supremacist who is filling the Oval with other White Supremacists? All the same.

No wonder he loves the uneducated and ignorant.

Posted - December 19, 2016


  • 10052
    THEY don't think that pseudo-religious white people are terrorists, THEY think they're "proud of their heritage".


      December 19, 2016 10:43 AM MST

  • 46117
    Oh yes, good point.  They refuse to acknowledge anything that specific or deep or underlying or anything that requires an ounce of thought.  Only knee-jerk responses are considered and then discarded five minutes later when they are told what to think next.
      December 19, 2016 10:45 AM MST

  • Agreed, it doesn't look good...but i suspect the system is set up so that white supremacists always win, they have all the power, they have all the influence.. it isn't AT ALL that others are in ANY way inferior it's just that the system is against them... However, that, as you rightly said, doesn't necessarily apply to terrorists from outside the US... 
      December 19, 2016 11:13 AM MST

  • Put Trump aside for a moment to see the irony in what you said with what we already know. I love questions that start out with an assumption disguised as fact. It already tells me what you have decided while assuming that it must be other people who's minds are closed. Also you assume that ONLY white people voted Trump. I can assure you that's really not true.

    As for white voters. People have been saying black people can't be racist even when they shoot people because of the color of their skin. Christ.. someone on video said they should kill all white babies, rioters burning things and mimicking extremist groups of the 60s.... Black Lives calling the killers of BLACK COPS freedom fighters and hailing them as a heroes. Colleges going around about such things as "whiteness" and that we should feel ashamed of who we are (since when should colleges dictate propaganda and politics as well as morals?) The words "man and mankind, husband/wife, girlfriend/boyfriend, and saying "you guys" to refer to a group... being banned on several college campuses (at least 5...) there's about 50 or more that have stupid vocab censorship for every day innocent things.

    Do you think that when people see all this.. they are just supposed to take yours and others word that when they do these vile disgusting acts that it is in American's best interests????? Just who do they think they are? They cert. think they are judge, jury, and executioner. Must be nice to be on such a high horse. Must have been pretty bad when they realized Americans saw all these acts and voted against them. They got knocked off that horse really hard.. I bet they got some bruises on the way down

    Do you really honestly think that people should vote for others who openly say they don't like us for the color of our skin and openly advocate for groups like that? I'll tell you the joke of the day. What's the difference between black nationalism and white nationalism? NOTHING because they are the same and believe the same things! Both exist for the exact same reasons. HAHAHAHA. Do you find that hilarious? I do.

    As for minorities.. do you think it's in their best interests to continually vote for politicians who have kept them poor? To vote for politicians who fan the flames of groups like BLM who bring more crime to already high crime areas? How would this be fair at all to minority groups? Tell me if a politician gets elected by the poor on a promise to eliminate poverty, wouldn't fulfilling his promise destroy his voting base? Wouldn't he rather benefit from the growing numbers of poor people? Isn't this an obvious conflict of interests?
      December 20, 2016 10:46 PM MST