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Trump LOVES the TWO pillars of Obamacare which ARE the most expensive ones..


They are, (1) insurance companies cannot DENY people insurance because of a pre-existing condition, and (2) children can stay on their parents policy till they're 26.  Notwithstanding Trumps wishes, SHOULD those provisions be dropped?  If not, HOW should they be funded??

Look.   If you don't know, don't be surprised..  The entire Republican congress doesn't know either..  That's because there's only ONE way to pay for it, and that is to REQUIRE younger people to BUY insurance. 

Yeah, I hate that too.  But, I hate people dying the streets worse.


Posted - December 23, 2016


  • 3934
    There are three ways medical care can be funded:

    1) Fee for which case if you are old/unlucky/sick...F**K YOU!

    2) Socialization via insurance which case the young/lucky/healthy must be FORCED to join the pool to cross-subsidize the old/unlucky/sick.

    3) Socialization via public which case everyone pays into the pool which includes...well, everyone, and everyone gets benefits as needed. Exactly how we pay for our police, fire protection, courts, parks, roads, air traffic control system, water/energy/sewage utilities, etc., etc., etc.

    Obamacare is a weird hybrid of schemes 2) and 3), hence the confusion of what it does and how it can be altered without essentially telling the old/unlucky/sick to go F themselves.
      December 23, 2016 9:54 AM MST