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Is your New Year's resolution going to be this?

For your new year's resolution, will you at least try wearing black unused plastic garbage, trash, bin bag/liners as clothing.  Or replace your wardrobe with clothing made out of them.  Why or why not?

Posted - December 23, 2016


  • I told you .... I'll wear an unused trash bag if I ever wanna eat pasta after 8 Tequila shots...... I also told you  I'd sucka punch you in the throat if I saw this again ..... So ;)
      December 23, 2016 8:11 PM MST

  • No. Never. The idea fills me with revulsion.
      December 23, 2016 8:24 PM MST

  • 2465
    New Year's resolutions are for giving up bad habits, NOT starting them. Now would be a good time to cure yourself of this whacked habit. 
      December 23, 2016 10:32 PM MST

  • TrashBag's fetish is famous among us Muggers.  
    Among consenting adults (of which I am not one) there is nothing wrong with it. 
    His only difficulty is that it's so rare that finding partners is nearly impossible. 

    The fetish has attracted a lot of disagreement about whether it should be banned from the main board (to Adult or Free-for-All.) The end decision was that the quirk is so unusual and harmless that it's more funny than serious, and so it was permitted to remain. 

    Although many of us do get sick of it from time to time, the best approach is to ignore his questions or approaches if we don't like them, or to say a polite no. 
    Although it is very difficult not to have private judgements about things like this, it is not in keeping with ToS to use "you" statements because they tend to skate close to the edge of being critical or offensive.  
      December 24, 2016 12:10 PM MST

  • 2465
    You are correct in labeling this "famous". However, Hitler was famous too. 

    You said there's nothing wrong with it between consenting adults?  Huh?     We aren't having a discussion about sex here, so what does that have to do with this discussion?  And whether or not there's anything "wrong with it" is quite subjective.   But I am left with a question.  if you find absolutely nothing wrong with it, why did you respond by saying  the concept filled you with revulsion. *

    The "only" difficulty YOU see is the inability to find other like minded people?  I would disagree. The fact that it's difficult, doesn't come as any big surprise. But it also isn't the issue.  

    I find contradiction in the following:

      You cautioned about violating the TOS,

      You suggestef ignoring it or answering with a polite no,

      You said it's difficult not to have private judgments. 

    Yet, in your own reply to this question, you said "No, never. The idea fills me with revulsion". *

    What happened to a polite no?  

    And by the way, I may have called it a whacked habit but YOU called it a quirk.  In MY dictionary, they happen to be synonoms. 

    I've said it in the past and I'll say it again - if there have been any violations to the TOS, JA will make that determination.  Until that time, I'll take the position that no violation has occurred. 

    Also, don't confuse judgments with opinions.

    You cautioned that I was skating on the edge of being critical/offensive. Being critical of another opinion is certainly not uncommon with differing opinions. You'll find many instances of that within the site, especially with hot topics. And as far as "offensive" is concerned, I don't determine the reaction of others.  Each individual chooses whether they want to take offense. 

    *Mentioned twice for different reasons

      December 25, 2016 5:06 AM MST

  • I agree with your statements.  I respect all those who answer.  But All I ask is the same respect back, but I do know I probably won't get it.  But A lot of people actually do.  There are only a few users on here that don't, and I don't care if they do or don't.  As long as I can spread my knowledge and expertise of wearing unused plastic garbage, trash, bin bag/liners as clothing.  thanks for your reply.
      December 24, 2016 9:38 PM MST

  • 2465
    YOU?  Respect ALL?  That's amusing considering there have been numerous people, including myself, who have complained about receiving a battery of your friend requests, even after repeatedly denying every one of them. Even when the friend requests were ignored, you would delete the request, then send another. There have been discussions in threads about this and I'm sure you're aware of them. Yet, you continue.  THAT'S not evidence of respect. There have been some, including myself, who have personally asked you to stop sending the requests, yet you continued. THAT's not evidence of respect. I have asked you to stop continually IM'ing me, yet you persist. THAT'S not evidence of respect. 

    But yet you sit there and make the statement "But ALL I ask is for the same respect back"?  If YOU want respect, YOU need to be prepared to give it.  Personally, I haven't seen any evidence of it. 

      December 26, 2016 10:27 PM MST

  • 13395
    Do you donate your good used trash bag wear to thrift stores?
    If I see good used trash bag wear that is my size I would give it a shot, see how it would work.
      December 24, 2016 9:47 PM MST

  • No I don't, that is not sanitary, but it is easy for you to make garments out of them yourself.  Just make holes for your head arms, and legs and secure it some how.  Just follow these safety tips and you'll make a lot of garments that work out of unused plastic garbage, trash, bin bag/liners.  1.  don't wear it over face, 2.  don't wear it too tightyly, 3. don't wear it near fire. 4. Don't wear it to bed unless it is not around your neck.  Up to arm level is ok.  If you have any other questions, please ask.
      December 24, 2016 9:58 PM MST