Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » Are there some folks about whom you cannot make up your mind whether you like/dislike because they keep flipflopping? Do you flipflop too?

Are there some folks about whom you cannot make up your mind whether you like/dislike because they keep flipflopping? Do you flipflop too?

Posted - December 24, 2016


  • Nope because the term flip flopping assumes one knows the person to begin with. There's so many sides to people. I feel like you can only say ones flip flopping if you took the time to know them. You could point out inconsistencies for sure though.
      December 24, 2016 5:50 PM MST

  • 17260
    No. But I have gone from a like to dislike, and the opposite caused by their behaviour over time. It's not what I call a flip flop but merely exposure of their true values towards humanity. They might disguise it in all the right words but when showing themselves less it will make me see their true nature. That said, there is no black and white in my view about much. Whether I flip flop or not will depend on the eyes looking at me, and not the least with the expectations they might have around my person and my behaviour. Hmm.
      December 25, 2016 2:21 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply SH and Happy Christmas Day Sunday 2016. There are a few people who blow hot and cold, kind and mean, thoughtful and thoughtless. Consistently. Just when I think I've figured them out they flip again. It can be exhausting. Well m'dear hope the  new year is better than this one though 'tween thee and me I don't see how it will be. 4 years of god-knows-what. May the Universe take pity on us.  Wishing you and yours all that's good in the coming year. :) ((hugs))
      December 25, 2016 3:05 AM MST

  • 17260
    Thank you Rosie. I've learned that seeking dialogue outside the posts gives us a different view on some people. Others will only confirm impressions already perceived. I wish you and yours a peaceful time and a happy new year. :-)
      December 25, 2016 3:10 AM MST