Discussion»Questions»answerMug Members» Do you take into consideration that not all you interact with here comes from the US, and furthermore not all are native English speaking?
Might have been 60, but I didn't bother to remember it. :)
JA has answered a similar question to this in the past I think. And I seem to recall a bit of software that will keep track of where people come from, but can't remember the name.
Which means 43% of traffic is generated from outside the US. I take it Canada, the UK and Australia governs another huge part which means, us the non-native English speaking part is a minority here. Well, we got French Canadians in the mix. :-)
Actually? No. I just consider I'm talking to human beings and not a bot. I talk about what I know, what I do, how I live, and current events in the world. And try not to be too boring.,
Lovely, as long as you're aware we not all come from the US, and not all of us are English native speaking. It can be valuable to have in mind when reading the questions/comments at times. :-)
For the most part it does not really matter here where people live. Obviously some things are more parochial, like most of the discussions about the US Presidential election, but it's often interesting to compare notes on more general topics with people from other countries.
I don't know how other people view things, but I always imagine people to be just like me until I see something that changes that viewpoint. If they usually speak English well and use slang/ casual words, I assume they're American. But, yes, I'm aware that not everyone here is and I'm grateful for that. That's a big part of why I love coming here. It shakes up my way of thinking and stops me from falling into a rut of assumptions.
Thank you. The risk is when we start thinking any subject brought up has to be US related, and/or based on US sources. I agree with you, it is a plus to have a variety of nationalities here. Language/slang can be hard to use alone as determinant to assume where people are from. :-)