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How much weight did you gain over Christmas?

3.4 lbs for me, not too much damage.  

Posted - December 28, 2016


  • 46117
    How much does 20 piles of seafood weigh?
      December 28, 2016 7:14 AM MST

  • Mmmm seafood!
      December 28, 2016 6:33 PM MST

  • 1713
    I lost weight. Too much stress makes me lose my appetite and I work retail so it's the worst time of the year.
      December 28, 2016 7:18 AM MST

  • Sorry about the stress, ya retail suuuucks at Christmas!
      December 28, 2016 6:33 PM MST

  • 2052
    Enough to keep me well insulated through January and February. 
      December 28, 2016 7:32 AM MST

  • LOL
      December 28, 2016 6:36 PM MST

  • 5614
    3 pounds, give or take 2.
      December 28, 2016 7:36 AM MST

  • 5808
    zero pounds
      December 28, 2016 8:43 AM MST

  • My weight doesn't seem to have changed. Which is no surprise considering it's been the same for the past 7 years...
      December 28, 2016 9:53 AM MST

  • Lucky
      December 28, 2016 6:36 PM MST

  • 5614
    That will change. Enjoy this while it last but use it as an opportunity to gain weight through muscle mass. See the difference.
      December 28, 2016 7:27 PM MST

  • my weight has been up and down, all over the place-- i just don't give a ***** anymore aobut it lol.. i've  been at the upper end of what i should be- about 190 for the past year (should be about 175) but i don't care.. my heaviest was 330 3 years ago when i was 23.. im happy as long as i stay below 200 for now on. (in grade 11 and 12 i was about 160- was 275 in grade 10)

    the lowest i have been over the past 2 years was 185 but than my arms and legs started to look like twigs which made me feel self conscious so i put on a few pounds and not going below 190. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 28, 2016 7:26 PM MST
      December 28, 2016 3:33 PM MST

  • Congrats on your weight loss before.  That's awesome :-)
      December 28, 2016 6:38 PM MST