Discussion » Statements » If answermug wants to succeed more ( maybe )

If answermug wants to succeed more ( maybe )

i dont wanna do anythin fo da website, cuz its 'yall plan' , but if you remember the website experienceproject, it was a reallllyyy input website... lot of users, 
etc etc

if yall wanna make money maybe you can try to become more populate, have new users everyday , that can come and talk , share about anything...

now i know makin money from a website is NOT easy... you have to finds ways, be sponsored/input of money by some ways.... 

but you could do it...

for example the website similarworlds is REALLLY popular, its like the closest example to 'experienceproject'...

but you could steal their show..... 

cuz they bann me and i dont like them anymore 

and i always liked yall

Posted - December 28, 2016


  • I just don't understand what you're saying :/ Ive been on an other site trying convert and reconvert other people to this site.... I like it here. I don't know what ep is .... But I'm gonna convert the unconvertable ( that's a word ) ..... Eventually. Cos I said so ;)
      December 28, 2016 6:57 PM MST

  • Hmm I was an EP'er... of many years standing and I was there at the very end.. the very  last second, on the very last day... and I was fond of the site.. BUT

    It had a LOT to be desired, there was a LOT wrong with it - which is ultimately why it died... people were rude, nasty, bullying and some were downright evil... what's more funny enough popular as it was, allegedly it didn't make money

    Sooo my vote is please don't ever try to recreate EP 
      December 30, 2016 12:01 PM MST

  • How?
      March 8, 2017 12:39 AM MST