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What ancient artifacts might we discover that was once locked in ice but released by global warming?

Posted - January 1, 2017


  • 1440
    nice question... 

    but i dont think we will find much things in ice in the future...

    i would probably say that maybe we will be able to find lot of 'artifacts' in the old places of ancient cities...... 

    concrete, metals, ... things like that 

    but even electronics objects.... they probably disentagrete with time..... the electronics will just be a pile of dust
      January 1, 2017 4:06 PM MST
  • .

    The world might realize that global warming has happened before or there wouldn't be any " artifacts" or frozen people under all that ice.  This post was edited by . at January 2, 2017 8:15 AM MST
      January 1, 2017 5:47 PM MST

  • We may find a Yeti skeleton or two.  Probably a lot of wooly mammoth bones, dinosaurs and such.  I guarantee you there will be an alien spacecraft too.  Maybe alien skeletons and technology.  Maybe that's not such a good idea at this time in the world.
      January 2, 2017 7:10 AM MST