Discussion » Questions » Communication » Of what value is limiting the Media to force it to conform to the demands of a head of state? Why not abolish Media entirely?

Of what value is limiting the Media to force it to conform to the demands of a head of state? Why not abolish Media entirely?

A FREE PRESS is guaranteed by The Constitution. What has more power? A head of state intent on having his way on everything or a political body that fights to preserve the spirit and letter of The Constitution?  Will the political body be able to withstand the demands of the head of state or will roll over and do his bidding?

Posted - January 8, 2017


  • Isn't it interesting how repression of the press is the FIRST action taken by ANY  and ALL authoritarian regimes?
    What's wrong with people.
      January 8, 2017 9:41 AM MST

  • 113301
     It is scary a he** Lago and no one seems to be worried about! Trump hates the media and has already banned certain folks from previous press conferences/rallies. If he calls a press conference and only allows people from c ertain media to attend who is going to challenge him? No one. He will get away with murder as he has since he   began this illegitimate attempt to be prez and needed the interference of a foreign country to pull it off. SIGH. Thank you for your reply  Lago and Happy Sunday! :)
      January 8, 2017 11:10 AM MST

  • 46117
    If this prk thinks he can stop the press, then we have serious problems.   The press will fight back and Trump will lose big.
      January 8, 2017 9:47 AM MST

  • 113301
    I dunno. He gets away with banning certain members of the press already. No one challenges him. If he gives a press conference and only invites his peeps and bans/blocks others who is gonna stop him? It is a serious issue and I truly believe his hatred of the media will cause him to take great steps to limit their access to him. Thank you for your reply Sharonna and Happy Sunday :)
      January 8, 2017 11:07 AM MST

  • 17641

    The press has mistaken "free press" to mean free to be whatever it chooses.  The press is supposed to inform the citizenry of newsworthy activity.  The reason for even having a free press rather than a state-run press is to help keep a government in check; to act as a watch dog so to speak.   They are not free to make up the news, they are not free to create and dispense political propaganda, and they are not free to try to use their microphone to further a political agenda.  They aren't free to give debate questions to their candidate of choice prior to the debate.  But these are the things they concentrate on.  They don't even deny it!!!   After the election was called the CNN personnel told us "We got it wrong."  "How could this happen?"  There were tears.  TEARS!!   A couple of weeks before the election a CNN reporter said (paraphrased) I think we may be pushing for the wrong candidate.  Clinton tried to get her taken off the air.  When I was in school journalism 101 was about bias and how there is absolutely no place for it in news journalism, which is distinguished from commentary and editorial pieces. 

    If our new president chooses to side step the press and report directly to the nation why would anyone gripe about that?  I've heard of no one who is except the media and the OP. I would think out of desperation to remain relevant the press may perhaps return to their proper roles. 
      January 8, 2017 5:55 PM MST

  • 2052
    I don't think asking the media to drop the fake news is asking too much. 
      January 9, 2017 3:37 AM MST