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Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » A huge ego that's so fragile it can't handle rejection/correction/disareement/criticism is a dangerous defect. PET has one. Uh-oh?

A huge ego that's so fragile it can't handle rejection/correction/disareement/criticism is a dangerous defect. PET has one. Uh-oh?

Instead of entirely ignoring Meryl Streep's comments at the Golden Globes Awards show he made a big issue of it by using Twitter to display his anger. He is so predictable and petty and thin-skinned. This is how he spends his time. Comforting, right?

Posted - January 9, 2017


  • 3907
    Hello Rosie:

    The SCARY thing is, in eleven days, he'll have his finger on a NUCLEAR BOMB instead of Twitter..  I say this, not for your benefit because you understand the danger about to befall us, but for my fellow Americans..  STOP this man...  STOP him NOW!!

      January 9, 2017 6:50 AM MST

  • 372
    How do we stop him?
      January 9, 2017 7:39 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello Louie:

    He HAS the momentum, but the people HAVE the power..  We just need to SHOW it by taking to the streets.  THUNDEROUS crowds CAN change political minds..  The woman's march coming up is just the first. 

    Right now, the only people who can DO do something about it, are cowed by Trump.  But, IF they saw that they had the backing of the people, SOME of them will DO their jobs, and CORRECT this orange blot on our history..

    It's a LONG shot, but it's ALL we've got..

    excon This post was edited by excon at January 9, 2017 1:05 PM MST
      January 9, 2017 7:53 AM MST

  • 113301
    We have 11 days to prevent the evil monstrosity from getting all the power he will ever need to do everything he  will ever want to do. His worshipping supporters are brain dead. They are of no value. The pols who rolled over and pretend to like him actually despise him but they are terrified of him.  They are gutless and useless too. So what are left with are all the WOMEN'S marches that will take place WORLDWIDE January 21. I know. After the fact. But the millions of folks who are marching AGAINST THE DONALD ALL OVER THE WORLD will be photographed and interviewed and The Donald will be unable to spin it or escape it and all the Tweeting in the world will not change the fact that millions despise him and will be working very hard to oust him as the abomination he is. That could well drive him over the edge.  One can only hope. He doesn't have  enough spokespersons or apologisers to offset the millions of folks all over the world who reject him and rebuke him and want him GONE! How he handles that we shall see. Till then we can hold our heads high in the knowledge that WE DID NOT VOTE FOR THIS MONSTROUS PERSON. His worshipers wil always have to bear the burden of that albatross. !  :(
      January 9, 2017 1:04 PM MST