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Can the Inspector General investigate/inspect anyone at anytime for any reason? Why didn't he investigate Comey in July/October/November?

Everything Comey did was unprecedented for the FBI. In July 2016 he said the FBI was not going to prosecute Clinton about the emails then he went into great detail at great length to excoriate her relentlessly. In October he said they found more emails that could possibly be important(Anthony Weiner emails) which tainted Hillary by inference. In November he said they found nothing in those emails. Well the damage was done in July and the nail was shut on the coffin in October. Comey did his best to sabotage everything for Clinton as he went about breaking precedent, ignoring protocol. He was very unprofessional in everything he did. We can only surmise why. I  hope he gets what is coming to him. Whatever that is.

Posted - January 13, 2017


  • 44748
    No...he cannot inspect my rash on my thighs. That is for the surgeon general.
      January 13, 2017 8:17 AM MST

  • 372
    I, too, was suspicious when Comey decided not to prosecute, then went on to bash her unmercifully at the hearing. I think he knew no prosecution was possible for lack of evidence, but he dearly wanted to derail her anyway. So, as a second best thing, he tried to ruin her with his remarks. His later comments (the Weiner emails) were intended to bury her. They may have done just that. 
      January 13, 2017 8:43 AM MST