Discussion » Questions » Jobs » When you perform at an event whatever the subject/purpose/benefit/cause folks ASSUME you support it or you wouldn't be there. Right?

When you perform at an event whatever the subject/purpose/benefit/cause folks ASSUME you support it or you wouldn't be there. Right?

How true is that? If you were offered enough money and you were a vegetarian would you perform for the Beef Industry as long as you didn't have to eat any of it?

Posted - January 14, 2017


  • 3907

    Hello Rosie:

    Yes, folks WOULD assume I support it.  But, folks are NUTS.. 

    Look.  As much as I DISLIKE Papa John's politics, I sure do LIKE his pizza.  Should I NOT?  I took a business course from a guy who turned out to be child molester.  Should I UNLEARN the business things I learned from him??  IF I were a carpenter hired to build a stage for a Trump event, should I turn it down? If I ran a charity, should I turn down donations from people I disagree with??

    If YOU ran a charity, would you even INQUIRE into your donors morals??

    I don't think I answered your question..


    This post was edited by excon at January 14, 2017 7:26 AM MST
      January 14, 2017 7:22 AM MST

  • 113301
    This is way too weird excon. We are closer in nature than even we  know. Except I did the EXACT opposite of you. I LOVED Papa John's pizza best of any but when he came out of the political closet that was it. I won't give that jacka** another dime. Jim and I both agreed that Papa John might make very good pizza but he is a lousy human being. Now with respect to all of your examples. I can only tell you what I THINK I would do. Until and unless you are actually in a situation no one knows for sure. I honestly don't think I would have that problem in any event. I cannot imagine ANYONE with whom I disagree about ANYTHING who would donate to any charity with which I was affiliated. I can't.  My views and nature and personality are very well known so I think the jacknapes and varlets and slabberdegullion druggels  would avoid me at all costs. In that I am quite secure. So those who did contribute would already be my kinda folks and I trust them implicitly to be honorable/decent/honest. Thank you for your reply! :) 
      January 14, 2017 7:33 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello again, Rosie:

    I do business with lots of people every day.  I'd LIKE to do business with people I AGREE with, but, how do ya tell, and where do you draw the line?  I'm certainly not gonna ASK the bus driver if he's a Trump supporter, and I have NO idea if the owners of Safeway are right wingers.

    I hope that doesn't make me a slabberdegullion druggel. 

      January 14, 2017 8:00 AM MST

  • 113301
    I don't take the bus excon. We have a car and I also have legs and I can walk. If I have to ASK what someone's affiliation is that is an entirely different situation than if he/she flaunts it and rubs my face in it. I wouldn't ask. I would have no reason to ask. I wouldn't care. It is of no concern to me at all if the dry cleaners love Trump as long as I don't know about it. But if they have signs plastered all over the walls attacking Hillary and complimenting Trump? I would find another dry cleaner. I have the right to do business with whomever I choose for whatever reason I have as do you. If people are quiet and private and silent I don't care. If they aren't I am warned about what they are and I can avoid them. Why wouldn't I?  No you will never be a slabberdegullion druggel. That is reserved for certain "usual suspects". This post was edited by RosieG at January 14, 2017 8:14 AM MST
      January 14, 2017 8:14 AM MST

  • 17660
    No, that's not correct in general.  It is a paid job.
      January 15, 2017 4:07 PM MST

  • 22891
    sounds like it
      January 16, 2017 4:35 PM MST