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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » An Answermug friend describes some people as being "emotionally bankrupt". Very astute. That explains Trump's election doesn't it?

An Answermug friend describes some people as being "emotionally bankrupt". Very astute. That explains Trump's election doesn't it?

His financial success is all they cared about. His lack of moral character/integrity/human dignity and compassion matters not to them. They are emotionally bankrupt so they see no problem electing a head of state who mirrors their inadequacies. Vicious circle/vicious cyclel isn't it? The emotionally bankrupt beget emotionally bankrupt children and so it goes forever after. How do we stop it?

Posted - January 15, 2017


  • 8272
    Hilliarys disgusting world wide corruption and pay for play explains his election.  
      January 15, 2017 4:50 AM MST

  • So if the American people have two choices, both corrupt, they go for the most corrupt one?  Weird people - unless there's something lacking in your assessment.
      January 15, 2017 5:23 AM MST

  • 113301
    RUSSIAN INTERVENTION plus FBI head COMEY disclosing  the Hillary email investigations are why she lost. Comey had the nerve to say he does not discuss ongoing investigations when he was asked by Congress if the FBI were investigating the Russian intervention in the US election and how that benefitted Trump. Comey lied his a** off.  He harmed Hillary in July at great length when he said the FBI would not charge her but then went into excoriating detail about how what she did was wrong. Then in October he did his worst blow when he brought up an Anthony Weiner  laptop computer and emails and how they may have a  bearing on the Hillary email investigations.  There was NOTHING there! Then once again just before election day he released a memo which said admitted was nothing there that had anything to do with Hillary's emails. But the damage was already done. People had already voted based on his July and October bullsh**! So the guy flat-out lied. He protected the "sanctity" of the Russian intervention hacking scandal because it focused on Trump by  Comey saying he never discusses ongoing investigations and then  THREE DIFFERENT TIMES he brought up the Hillary  Clinton email investigation! Wake up and smell the coffee for goodness sakes! Trump is a bogus prez. The election was rigged by Russian   hacking in collusion with Wikileaks leaking and the FBI outlandish break in precedent to influence the outcome and it did. You got your guy. Congrats. Condolences to all the rest of us! Thank you for your reply MS and Happy Sunday! :)
      January 15, 2017 5:37 AM MST