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Do my right wing friends STILL support Trump, given the recent & continuous upheaval? The upheaval WILL continue, and I'll continue to ask.

Posted - January 16, 2017


  • 2052
    Have you noticed the "upheaval" is from the Democrats?
      January 16, 2017 9:22 AM MST

  • 3907

    Hello S:

    Of course..  But, they're NOT speaking about stuff that didn't happen..  I mean, Russia WAS involved in our election, and Trump doesn't seem to care.. 

    But, I get it..  You STILL support him in spite of his antics..  Ok..  There'll be more to come..  My bet is that even a STAUNCH conservative like you will tire of him.. 

    I'll ask again.

      January 16, 2017 9:30 AM MST

  • 2500
    How was Russia involved in our election? What exactly did they do?
      January 16, 2017 10:09 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello again, Red:

    I'm sorry..  I thought you kept up.  You can read about it HERE..

      January 16, 2017 10:13 AM MST

  • 2500
    Boy. Hope that you're not getting your information from THAT WEB site! Might explain why the mis-guiding mis-information. But don't feel bad. I used to start out at Wikipedia myself. Then one of the "learned" left-wing, soon to be former Europeans set me straight on that. Apparently Wikipedia is VERY unreliable, at least according to them. Who knew? But now that I skim the article that you linked I can see why they would say that. 

    And sorry if you're feeling "buyers remorse" after the election. But you're the first person that I've come across that may have actually change their vote to Trump. Every voter that I know of that voted for Trump had made up their respective minds LONG ago. I had Hillary figured back when Bill was still the President.  

    So it appears that the Russians really didn't have much to do with Trump making it to the White House. But if you want to get upset about election interference you might want to direct your wrath to the UK. There's no doubt that an MI-6 operative is trying to stir the pot with Trump's nomination with unsubstantiated rumors. And that brings us back to that "learned" left-wing, soon to be former Europeans who seems to be constantly trying to influence US politics. Imagine that?

      January 16, 2017 7:10 PM MST

  • Trump and his people have been working on their plans for a replacement for Obamacare as well as bringing jobs back to the US. The "upheaval" is being caused by anti-trumpers and Liberals. Perhaps, instead of whining, they should jump aboard for the new administration and work with Trump and his team in order to help make good policies into great policies.
      January 16, 2017 9:33 AM MST

  • 19937
    Yes, the same way the GOP jumped aboard when Obama was elected and worked with him to make good policies into great policies.  I agree - we should treat Trump that same way.
      January 16, 2017 10:27 AM MST

  • 3375
    I think they should treat him exactly the same way.  Imagine if Mr. Obama behaved the same way as Mr. Trump.  Obama would have been taken twice the abuse he took.

      January 16, 2017 7:14 PM MST

  • 2500
    Pretty hard for the GOP to work with someone that tells them that they can come along for the ride, but "we won so you have to ride in the back of the bus" and locks you out of important committee meetings on that forced health insurance purchase bill. True bipartisan effort on the part of Obama and the Dems, right?
      January 16, 2017 8:11 PM MST

  • 19937

    Mitch McConnell made it clear the first time Obama was elected that it was the GOP's plan to make him a one-term president and pass none of his legislation.  I think if someone started out saying that to you, you wouldn't have much resolve to work with them.  What do you think?

      January 16, 2017 9:30 PM MST

  • 2500
    I think that you're way out in left field.

    First, the opposing party ALWAYS says that they're going to make every newly elected first term President a "one term" president. The Dems area saying that about Trump right now, they said that about Gee Whiz, and about his father. The Republicans said that about Clinton, and Reagan. It probably goes all the way back to the start of the USA. It's just standard political rhetoric.

    Second, I don't recall McConnell saying anything about not passing any of Obama's legislation during his first term. That would make no sense because the Dems controlled both Houses. There was no way to stop any idiotic legislation and they proved that with the PPACA. After that mess McConnell was obligated to commit to blocking future clepto-legislation lest his constituency make a move to tar and feather him. 
      January 16, 2017 10:06 PM MST

  • 2500
    Paranoid much?
      January 16, 2017 9:37 AM MST

  • 1615
    The Democratic Party is no longer considered a viable party for obvious reasons, you would think they would correct their problems within, but as you can see they don't have the expertise or the temperament ,what a sorry bunch, swamp cleaning must take place and let them go into Chicago and brag about all their great accomplishments. Obama, Pelosi, and Harry can be the leaders.
      January 16, 2017 11:40 AM MST

  • 7806
    These days, I have no idea who is right wing or left wing. I didn't vote for either because both parties exhibit childish tendencies. This post was edited by Zack at January 16, 2017 5:06 PM MST
      January 16, 2017 11:43 AM MST