Discussion » Questions » History » The 2016 American Prezl Election will be written up in history books as "THE MADNESS". It is yet another BLACK MARK isn't it?

The 2016 American Prezl Election will be written up in history books as "THE MADNESS". It is yet another BLACK MARK isn't it?

The  McCarthy Hearings.  BLACK  MARK
The Japanese-American Internment Camps  BLACK MARK
The KKK  Lynchings                         BLACK MARK
The gutting of Civil Rights/Voting rights   BLACK MARK
The attack on health care/education    BLACK MARK
The  Russian impact on the US election  BLACK MARK
The election of The Donald             BLACK MARK

Posted - January 22, 2017


  • 184
    I am sorry to say, again my personal opinion, the election and subsequent inauguration will pale compared to what he does in the future. Again only opinion, but I feel the majority of folks who voted for him out of anger and disappointment did not realize what they would be releasing on the world.
      January 24, 2017 3:08 AM MST

  • 113301
    I totally mirror/share your words 100% m'dear. How sad for both of us.  The voting worshippers were all Pandora opening the box and releasing all the evil on the world. They knew not what they did. They listened not and cared not and thought not. The ship sailed and now we are all sitting ducks and controlled by a very bizarre unpredictable erratic arrogant ignorant evil liar. Just what any country needs to be great again. I apologize to the world for this unspeakable travesty. It won't be enough. Thank you for your reply Ancient One and Happy Tuesday! :)
      January 24, 2017 3:54 AM MST