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What family car do remember the most while growing up?

We always talk about the towns, or the houses, or the schools we grew up in.

What about the cars?

My father had an Auto Body Shop.
Now . . .srangely enough . . . you'd think we'd grow up with the nicest car in the neighborhood. . .right?. . .no. 

We went thru a myriad of crashy cars that where always on the brink of being turned into classics, you just had to "wait and see". So we rode in them, hoping nobody from school saw us, until the next work of art prospect appeared on the yard.

Then one day my mom had it,  and made it known loud enough for the.whole neighborhood to hear, that she was done riding in garbagee cars.

I remember when my my Dad drove up in the Gran Torino Station Wagon. It was awesome! The back door was super long and super heavy, and the space inside, gigantic.
My brother, sister, and I would go in there and I swear we could run around, without even bumping into each other.

The seats, the back seats, they folded forward! I thought that's how space crafts must be.

It was red.

Posted - January 25, 2017


  • 170
      January 25, 2017 11:20 AM MST

  • That looks very English!
    I have to admit my experience with anything like that to movies. 
    As common as it must look to you, it is strange looking to me.
    Thank you Points by, did you get to drive it?
      January 25, 2017 11:36 AM MST

  • 170
    I did not, by the time I started to drive, that was a very old car.

    It is strangely English, I agree, but (along with the Morris Minor) got a lot of families on the road in the 50s and early 60s.

    Both cars were better made, cheaper to run and more reliable than the contemporary VW Bug.

    Somehow that noisy, uncomfortable, and expensive to run car, (with frankly, dangerous roadholding and brakes) survived and (as with anything undersold by the Brits) the British small cars died. We're not that good at marketing. 
      January 25, 2017 11:44 AM MST

  • I wouldn't sure Mr P. 
    Even with me not knowing much about anything in relation to English Auto Industry, I still was able to recognise the Englishness of That does say a lot about its staying power and international "marketability".  )
    Dont the taxis look sort of the.same? Am I wrong?
      January 25, 2017 11:58 AM MST

  • 170
    British Taxis also look like cats sitting down, yes :) (Very perceptive).
      January 25, 2017 12:02 PM MST

  • Cats sitting down!!?? Ha!
    Now im going to have to go look. )
      January 25, 2017 12:03 PM MST

  • My dad got a Dodge Ram Charger Prospector edition.  An '85 I believe.
    That truck was one of the coolest and most bad-a** factory vehicles and had so many memorable adventures in that thing.
    The coolest part was it was still when trucks were trucks.  No plush interiors, or fancy do-dads.  Just bench seats, a rubberized washout floor, and sheet metal interior walls.   That truck was a beast.   I wish Dodger never retired them, the again they probably would be another crap bucket that was a Ram Charger in name only.

    My old man had an Monte Carlo he had tuned into a " sleeper car" that was pretty memorable as a lad too.   Used to be lots of fun going with him on "donut runs" in snow storms.
      January 25, 2017 11:22 AM MST

  • Ah the bench seat. Who you telling?
    Driving around leaning back, turning the.wheel.with one finger and a sweet girl all the.way against you on that bench seat. That!
    Of all the.things safety and modernisation, the bench seat I miss the.most.
    Monte Carlo, I used to like them when they were huge and had those bulging cheeks on the sides. But then they became sorta small.and regular. 
    Thank you Glis. 
      January 25, 2017 11:48 AM MST

  • I was way to young for that benny of them,  but that back bench was like a couch on trips to mountains and lakes.
    Yeah my dad's Monte was one of the older ones when they were still really cool.
      January 25, 2017 11:52 AM MST

  • That's I always wanted. A Monte Carlo.I used to have an ad very similar to this one on my wall when I was.little. 
      January 25, 2017 12:38 PM MST

  • 2500
    A Monte? What year?

    I used to have a '75 Monte Carlo. GM considered it to be a "personal-sized" luxury car. Had a 350 and weighed about 3800, tons. I mowed down a guard rail post with it one time. Post was flatter than a board. The car had a small nick in the bumper on the passenger side. (Those old 5-mph bumpers mounted on shock absorbers were AWESOME!)
      January 25, 2017 3:11 PM MST

  • I don't remember, he got rid of it by time is was 10.  Mid to late 70's.
      January 25, 2017 6:23 PM MST

  • 508
    a yellow chrysler my dad had in the 90's (it had 1 door).. but has driven crown victoria's from early 2002 to now. 
    This post was edited by Skunky Stinkerson at January 25, 2017 2:17 PM MST
      January 25, 2017 11:23 AM MST

  • I like Crown Vics. I really really would like one of those. They look like a very manly car
    What do you mean one.door??!!
      January 25, 2017 11:42 AM MST

  • 508
    the christler my dad had, had 1 door on it... but Crown Vics are nice cars and smooth rides.. whenever my dad drives past the courthouse/jail the people standing around scatter when they see him drive past xD 
      January 25, 2017 12:49 PM MST

  • Haha
    I know right?
    Is it white????!!!
    Or. . ."detective Gray"
      January 25, 2017 12:52 PM MST

  • 508
    ha, its white. he pulls up really slowly, and than as he's approaching they all flea and scatter-- its hilarious!! We get a good laugh out of it. 
      January 25, 2017 12:56 PM MST

  • Hahaha 
    I knew it!!!
    Now if you tell me he has the tiny little hubcaps then I'd think there's a situation there.
    That's funny.
      January 25, 2017 1:01 PM MST

  •   January 25, 2017 1:04 PM MST

  • I fondly remember my dads 1959 Pontiac Bonneville convertible. It was baby blue with a white top. He bought it brand new and was really proud of that car.
    Image result for 1959 pontiac bonneville convertible
      January 25, 2017 11:29 AM MST

  • Oh man, I bet he was!!
    That would still now, be.a beautiful car!!!
    Thanks Not Flo.
    Was it white inside too??!!
      January 25, 2017 11:38 AM MST

  • Yep, it had a white vinyl interior. I wish I had that car today.
      January 25, 2017 11:48 AM MST

  • He must have loved that car!
    I do have.a.preference for convertibles.
    I do feel a little self conscious while driving. Kind of like, "look at me everybody", so I ordered the.privacy partition. 
    But there's nothing like a long ride at night when it is warm. It's the.closest thing to freedom. 
    Thanks NoFlo. Great Answer.
      January 25, 2017 12:09 PM MST

  • I've owned a convertible for most of my life. I don't think I'd enjoy driving if I didn't.
    Nothing like them. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at January 25, 2017 1:18 PM MST
      January 25, 2017 1:17 PM MST