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Ever have such a severe reaction to a med that you ended up in the Emergency Room. What happened?

Posted - January 30, 2017


  • 6124
    Yes.  Over 35 years ago.  I was prescribed an antihistamine by an ENT specialist.  After three days of taking the med, I suddenly began to lose control of my motor responses so that I looked like I had cerebral palsy.  My speech became slurred and eventually unintelligible.  I remember with the last bit of control I had, I managed to slowly dial (rotary) the phone using a pencil holding it the way Bob Dole holds one & called my father.  He couldn't understand what I was saying but knew it was me & he raced over.  Found me on the floor.  I have no idea how he managed to pick me up, get me into the car, & to the hospital but he did.  Thankfully, the medication didn't stop my breathing & it wasn't a permanent condition.  I don't know what they gave me at the ER but when I was released they told me to keep flushing my system with liquids.  I actually had the same reaction to a sedative a few years before when I had surgery but it wasn't as severe. This post was edited by Harry at January 31, 2017 5:23 AM MST
      January 30, 2017 4:43 PM MST

  • 113301
    You should have found out exactly what they gave you in the ER Harry so that no one would ever prescribe it  for you again. That sounds exceedingly scary and I think you are very lucky that you survived it without  any permanent damage to you. If there is a next time you might not be so lucky! Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
      January 31, 2017 5:25 AM MST

  • Yes I have.... January last year I mixed prescribed meds with alcohol and I ended up in emerg getting my stomach pumped. I'm lucky be alive :) I don't do that anymore. 
      January 30, 2017 7:35 PM MST

  • 113301
    Usually there will be a warning on the label telling you not to use alcohol while taking the meds. Was the warning missing or did you just ignore it?  I'm glad you made it. Some aren't so lucky. Not all meds are like  that though. I'm not sure why alcohol is harmful with some meds and okay with others. Thank you for your reply Jaimie and Happy Tuesday! :)
      January 31, 2017 5:22 AM MST