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Discussion » Questions » answerMug » Why do some questions when I hit them go just a white screen? WHY? I answered a question earlier and that's not nice I can't see it.

Why do some questions when I hit them go just a white screen? WHY? I answered a question earlier and that's not nice I can't see it.

Posted - February 1, 2017


  • 5808
    see the feedback thingy
    on the left?
    Report it so she knows
      February 1, 2017 4:59 PM MST

  • I don't have a right screen on mobile ....was double Q's down about if sober can people change ... Can you see it or no? .... Not sure if my device or site issue..edit : thank you reply  This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 1, 2017 5:46 PM MST
      February 1, 2017 5:01 PM MST

  • I saw that but the whole question is gone now as I was going to link it and send it in but it's gone.
      February 1, 2017 5:49 PM MST

  • Oh .... Was not gone when I asked this ..... Told you my prob blank screens this site ... Meh :(
      February 1, 2017 5:52 PM MST

  • At first I thought my thread got pulled but it happened again on another one.
      February 1, 2017 5:22 PM MST

  • You answered that Q too then ? This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 1, 2017 5:54 PM MST
      February 1, 2017 5:50 PM MST

  • Ya.   Still can't look at any of the advice I was seeking on wanting to kick a stranger in the nuts.
      February 1, 2017 5:53 PM MST

  • Okay ... I don't know what that means .... But I just asked question and posted twice ... How I get one off ... We need to focus on my problems now 
      February 1, 2017 5:54 PM MST

  • Oh I missed that one.  I saw other  white pages.

    So what's your b**** right now?
      February 1, 2017 6:06 PM MST

  • I'm not being beaching now ... Meh ... Stop trying make me get in trouble as said other day ;) I was trying see Q I answered earlier Is all . I'm not allowed to say BEEACH 
      February 1, 2017 6:10 PM MST

  • heh-heh-heh
      February 1, 2017 6:16 PM MST

  • That one disappeared too as I answered it.
      February 1, 2017 5:55 PM MST

  • 34481
    Your question is still on the site.
      February 2, 2017 6:09 AM MST

  • Ooh, I got a different keyboard now I set it to something different, it's awesome!

    Anyway, I think you were referring to my question about cheating.
    I was locked out of it too.

    I guess, it was offensive???
    I don't know?
    Anyway, thanks for your response. : )
      February 1, 2017 6:18 PM MST

  • 34481
    Your question is still on the site
      February 2, 2017 6:04 AM MST

  • Yes I was referring to your question:) 
      February 3, 2017 10:42 AM MST

  • I tried to reply on that question, but it still won't let me.
    It was a long reply too, but I'm way to lazy to re post it over here.
    Anyway, I think people can grow out of cheating, but if they're still doing it in their 30s and they're married, I don't know what to think about that.
    I just stay away from my ex, she will just break my heart over and over I guess?
    I don't have it in me to try again with her.
    Thanks. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 3, 2017 2:12 PM MST
      February 3, 2017 12:55 PM MST

  • 34481
    I think the site was down for a minute a couple times today. 
      February 1, 2017 6:59 PM MST

  • "I believe it's because the question has been deleted ... for whatever reason."
      February 1, 2017 10:56 PM MST

  • 7939
    One from yesterday (Glis') really did wind up in the nether and I don't know if it will come back. I'm not sure what issue you're having, but if you'd like me to investigate, grab a screenshot and send me an email with that, a description of the problem, and the type of device and browser you're using.

    You still have access to the feedback tab, but desktop users have one that floats on the left of the screen. It was obnoxious on mobile devices, so you guys just have it under "Home" on the main menu. You can use feedback or email me and I'll look into it.

    I should also add, for those who are not super tech-savvy, the codes websites use are read and rendered differently depending on your device and browser. This is why we don't support every possible browser- there are thousands of combinations. We just try to make sure AM works well on what most people use. Chrome, IE, FireFox, Safari, Opera. At the same time, I'm a diehard Chrome user and occasional iOS/ Safari user, so I will not see the same problems an Android, IE, FF, etc. user will and I don't use the site like other people do, so we're all bound to catch different things. We are still correcting some glitches on the site- it's an ongoing process, so if you report what you see/ experience directly to me via Feedback to email, I'll make sure it gets addressed as soon as possible. 
      February 2, 2017 12:42 AM MST

  • 7939
    Ok, I found another one besides Glis' now.

    They are coding glitches, which is weird because we haven't changed anything. I flagged the dev and hopefully he'll be able to pop on and correct in soon.
      February 2, 2017 1:05 AM MST

  • Hey that's mine Woo hoo!!!

    I was kinda hoping it dissapeared anyway, I don't wanna talk about it anymore, makes me sad.
    Who do I gotta know around here to make things disappear. ; )
      February 2, 2017 1:22 AM MST

  • 7939
    lol Looks like the dev already fixed it. Sorry.

    If you really want something removed and there's no delete button, just use the report button and tell me you want that one gone. Members used to have their own delete buttons, but the buttons somehow got deleted. O_o
      February 2, 2017 2:02 AM MST

  • Sorry.  When it happened on mine I was waiting a bit to see if it just got pulled for a reason.   When it it happened on the other one the site got glitchy as hell and I had to restart browser and forgot what thread to report about so I just didn't.
      February 2, 2017 5:27 AM MST