Discussion » Questions » Science and Technology » Can DNA be manipulated/rewired to eliminate the desire to lie? How about eliminating hate? Would that be great?

Can DNA be manipulated/rewired to eliminate the desire to lie? How about eliminating hate? Would that be great?

Posted - February 2, 2017


  • 5614
    Why not be thorough and eliminate those with the DNA and reach the same result?
      February 2, 2017 7:28 AM MST

  • 283
    DNA controls the biological not so much the psychological.
      February 2, 2017 7:59 AM MST

  • 10963
    In genetic coding there are there are switches that can be switched. Example there is a gene called the hero gene which determines if a person is fearless or not and scientist can change the settings but sometimes the switch pops back to it's original setting. Genetic engineers still have a lot of things to figure out but there making a lot of progress and one day the World could be filled with nothing but love simply by changing the setting on the love gene. Cheers!
      February 2, 2017 9:41 AM MST

  • 113301
    Seriously Nanoose or are you just teasing me? Boy oh boy that would be swell wouldn't it? Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)
      February 3, 2017 4:08 AM MST

  • 10963
    No it's true - right now they can only experiment on monkeys but theoretically they could change Trump from being hateful to loving or cowardly to brave or cheap to generous. If you google - genetic coding + triggers - you might find it very interesting. Cheers and happy weekend!
      February 3, 2017 10:11 AM MST

  • No.  That would be a terrible thing in fact.   It's Frankenstein science and we stop being humans when we alter our genes that way.
    Want to see the insanity that breed this kind of illogical and knee-jerk ideas with no consideration for the consequences?
    Check out the hedonistic imperative boards.   A lot of them even go as far as to say we should create viruses to change the DNA of humans for such things against peoples will and to reprogram meat eating animals into herbivores.
    Sorry but I just don't see  changing our DNA from it's natural progression in order to control peoples free mind and will as a better path.

    Don't believe me?  Go read the ramblings from the Cult of David Pearce.
      February 2, 2017 11:53 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Glis. So eliminating hate is not something you would relish? We disagree You could simply not tolerate folks who didn't lie? We disagree. So what? You ascribe these things to illogical knee-jerk ideas with no consideration for the consequences? What bad consequences would result from people who didn't hate or didn't lie? Another question will be asked based on this. Happy Friday to thee.
      February 3, 2017 4:12 AM MST

  • Throwing water on a grease fire.
      February 3, 2017 6:27 AM MST

  • 6124
    Hi Rosie.  I did research rewiring DNA as discussed on the other post/question.   I found we aren't at a point where we can manipulate/rewire DNA to eliminate hate or the desire to lie.  HOWEVER, you posed the question a little differently in your response to me on the other thread. You asked "Can you rewire DNA?" which, in answer to THAT question, I found it to be yes!  

    I found this first  https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/changing-our-dna-through-mind-control/

    then I wondered if we could rewire our DNA with anything else other than meditation and I found a few articles on epigenetics, an emerging science.



    Very interesting stuff.  The possibility epigenetics might help find a cure for ALS is very exciting IMO:


      February 2, 2017 1:06 PM MST

  • 113301
     I think you're on a roll my friend! Thank you for your extensive and very helpful/informative research and the links Harry. I don't know about the ethics of making sure kids have blue eyes or blond hair but I can't see anything wrong if they are born without the ability/desire to hate or lie. Can you? I think I"m gonna ask that question!  Happy Friday! :)
      February 3, 2017 4:16 AM MST

  • 6124
    Good morning Rosie & Happy Friday back at you.

    FYI, I'm an avid information and knowledge junky.  Research has always been something that floats my boat.     

    I'm not a fan of genetically altering children just to suit a personal preference.  At the same time, the thought of ensuring that we can spare a child or adult from the pain/death caused by a debilitating disease is a wonderful prospect in my opinion.  Unfortunately, as we know, there are always people who will take a noble idea and manipulate it to serve their own purpose.  

    From a purely ideological point of view, it would be great if we could wipe out the ability to lie or hate.  However, here's a question for you, do you know people who lie to spare someone's feelings?  I do.  I'm one of them.  It's the only time that I will purposefully lie.  I don't think it serves any purpose to hurt someone I care about unnecessarily.  So, if we wiped out all lying, I do wonder if it would be such a wonderful thing.  Regarding hate, although it would be nice to get rid of hateful behavior, I am left wondering if we wiped out all hate, would we still be able to love to the depths that we do now?  They seem to be emotions that have very strong ties to each other.

    In any event, I finally found an article that directly discusses the attempt to isolate hatred.

    Just my opinion but I think the science of epigenetics may crack the code to aging before we get anywhere near the ability to crack & isolate emotions.

      February 3, 2017 6:26 AM MST

  • 3719

    The question evokes the early-20C notion of Eugenics, and we all know who did most to ensure the pseudo-science was rightly rejected, though in a terrifyingly ironical way that involved millions of people dying.

    The question also evokes some science-fiction writers of the time, who essentially asked a similar question to determine the logical but dystopian ends.

    Those people did not know genetics at a molecular level as the subject was not yet understood, but they were all familiar with Genetic Modification in practice, to produce domesticated plants and animals. They just didn't have the GM term; though it was still GM albeit indirectly rather than in a chemistry laboratory. 

    Whilst one could make a fair case for preventing disabilities or propensity to dangerous physical illnesses, manipulating emotion and intellect would be horrific because it removes the subject's individuality - existence as a person - merely to suit others' vanity or desires to control that person.  

    Most people do not hate or lie gratuitously, or by some sort of genetic defect. Deceit and hatred are generally engendered by external pressures, not some aspect of molecular biology. They may be wrong, but they are not genetic illnesses.

      February 15, 2017 6:02 PM MST