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Discussion » Questions » Television and Movies » There was a Twilight Zone episode long ago about a kid and a cornfield. I wonder if the US head of state has tried that?

There was a Twilight Zone episode long ago about a kid and a cornfield. I wonder if the US head of state has tried that?

You DID NOT WANT to anger the kid. You could do that by your thoughts because he could read your mind. He would banish anyone to the cornfield who thought "bad" thoughts. No one ever came back so we can only imagine what awaited the folks who were sent there. I wonder if the US head of state has considered banishing people who anger him to the cornfield? He could add that to his repertoire along with the TWITTER-BASHING! The more weapons he has to eliminate people who criticize him the better off he will be, willn't he?

Posted - February 5, 2017


  • 6988
    There is no doubt that the media is losing the respect of the politicians AND their audience. The media is actually trying to preserve it's job. So they make up crazy stuff just to get a paycheck. Do you notice that sometimes I completely miss your question and answer something else? I call it 'conservative steering'. 
      February 5, 2017 5:40 AM MST

  • Indeed I am sure that happens, as I have been told that many of the US media groups are biased towards one side or the other.. but that doesn't account for the fact that say UK media, reports fairly, or that many US media sources are only picking up on what's THERE, for instance the STOOPID answers Trump gives, yes media biased against him will highlight those buffoon answers he gives, but a) he still said them and b) there are SO many to choose from and c) if you listen to the whole interview you very soon realise that as one media vid reported Trump really DOESN'T answer questions directly and DOES resort to 4th grader dialogue with MANY repetitions, and which at that are irrelevant.  
    So I guess I am saying that the media can only reflect what's there... even if they highlight it, it is still there.. SO one might be forgiven for wondering why some people seem to choose to ignore what's in front of them and prefer alternative facts. 
    Just as well to say, respectfully of course, what one person might call conservative steering, others might call being evasive or deceiving. Not suggesting that applies to you of course, I would never dream of such a thing but definitely so in connection with our friend the Trumpet
      February 5, 2017 6:10 AM MST

  • Oh yes I remember that one! And yes, it's a perfect analogy re Trump... he behaves just like a little boy, who, if he doesn't get his own way will take retribution.. his twit like twitters are a relatively mild form of retribution but I doubt now that he has more power it will stop there. I was reading again today about his planned visit to the UK where he has demanded this and that.. pomp and ceremony and tea with Kate and William.. hmm

    And Trump's *team* have warned, (lol yes warned, how hilarious is that?) Prince Charles should be kept away from the state visit because apparently Trump will *explode* if Charles dares to mention Climate change, as Trump "doesn't like to be lectured." Is that the height of arrogance or what?  He demands a visit and that we fawn all over him... then thinks he can tell us HOW to do it, who should be there etc?  It's a huge insult to the UK and to Prince Chares!  Hmm like Trump is unfamiliar with insulting people.  But can you imagine Trump exploding in the presence of Prince Charles?  LOL should be fun to see the outcome of that one!  Trump has no style or class and is an ignoramus.   
      February 5, 2017 5:57 AM MST