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How did you first gain the trust of your pet?

I started gaining my dogs trust by whispering to him that pretty soon I'll send the scary lady on a beer run then steal him and take him home were we will live happily ever after. After I stole him he was still nervous wreak so I would pat him on the head and say - dar dar dar the scary lady is all gone but I think we both knew that pretty soon the scary lady would come looking for him. I stole the dog I have now from a party house because I could see that all the fighting and screaming was hard on him so I stole/rescued him (the scary lady was the loudest and craziest one at the house). When the scary lady did come looking for her dog I told her why I took her dog and luckily she didn't kill me because she knew some of the other dogs I had and how well they were treated. The dog had nervous problems for months after that so I would sometimes pat him on the head and say things to him like dar dar dar the scary lady is never coming back because she is stuck in a snow drift in Saskatchewan (she really wasn't but it was like telling your kid a fairy tail to help them sleep. Cheers!

Posted - July 10, 2016
