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Discussion » Questions » Computers and the Internet » Did you know that people can tell that you looked at their Facebook profile? You'll show up on their "People you may know" list.

Did you know that people can tell that you looked at their Facebook profile? You'll show up on their "People you may know" list.

I didn't know that so that also means that unknown people who show up on my people I may know list that aren't friends of a friend are people that were creeping my profile.
Could be ex boyfriends of women I interacted with online, could be anyone.
So my ex can tell I checked out her profile and on and on.

I was in a car accident and visited with the other driver a bit, the next day he showed up on my people I may know list on Facebook, no friend request or nothing so he must've looked me up.

Anyway I f_cking hate facebook, all these random people I never thought twice about could've been stalkers not to mention I looked up the guys my ex cheated with so they're probably worried about me.

Posted - February 7, 2017


  • I didn't know that, so thanks for the info. I have an anonymous Facebook page linked to an anonymous email address. Anybody who finds it will see a face they don't recognise and a name they don't know. But it's useful if I want to search for something there. Rarely happens, but it's convenient to have access.
      February 7, 2017 2:24 PM MST

  • 22891
    no but now i do
      February 7, 2017 2:46 PM MST

  • Maybe, maybe not.. I think it can *just* be that they are friends of your friends... honestly I am almost certain it's usually that rather than that they looked you up.. I KNOW that in one of those I had that person would NEVER have looked at my profile cos I was there with him once when he tried to look it up and he failed.. but he IS a friend of a friend on a friend's page.. 

    LOL many of the ones who are recommended as people I might know are WAY too COOL to even pass by my page :P 

    Seriously don't trouble yourself about it.. maybe they just think you are super-hot!  
      February 7, 2017 3:33 PM MST

  • Yeah, but that guy that helped me when I had a car accident was a total stranger, not even from around here and he popped up.
    I'm sure it's because he looked me up out of curiosity and I bet that when I looked up these guys my ex was with that my name promptly showed up on their people you may know list ( they were not friends of a friend.)
    I just wanted to know who they were so we could stay away from each other, but now I bet they are fixated on me.
    I blame my ex for her actions, I could really careless about those as_holes she was with, she's sick and it's not like she was in love with them.
    If it wasn't them it would've just been some other as_hole that she'd cheat with.
    I hate those guys too, but I have a child so I'm not gonna fight them, not over her anyway.
    I just would rather not have anything to do with them, but ironically seeing my profile that had our family picture maybe why none of them want anything to do with her anymore.
    They might not have even known she was married until my profile popped up on their people you may know list.

      February 7, 2017 4:40 PM MST

  • Yes .... I did know that .... That's soooooo  7 years ago   ;) catch up ;p its all about instagram now;) 
      February 7, 2017 6:39 PM MST