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UK PM - May? or general election?

With Leadsome pulling out of the Tory leadership race Teresa May is the only candidate left and is therefore set to become UK PM. In the UK we elect a party not the person so we can' be sure there will be a snap general election. Also with the Toryish Blairites running a coup against Corbyn in the Labour party they don't appear ready to have one. May is best known for wanting the age of consent lowered to 14 and wanting pedophiles to be allowed to adopt. This is also not a win for feminism as some may assume. Like Thatcher, May could care less about women as her voting record suggests. She would gladly let women suffer in order to keep power. Personally, I am an SNP member so I am just hoping for Scotland to leave the UK ASAP but I also don't want to see the working people of England, Wales and Northern Ireland suffer. So really my question is do we stick with May for now? or do we try to get a general election ASAP and hope that the Blairites stop their ridiculous attempt to keep the Labour party from being the party it was supposed to be and get behind Corbyn so that we don't replace a Thatcherite with another Thatcherite. 

Posted - July 11, 2016


  • 15

    can't be sure*

      July 11, 2016 6:31 AM MDT
  • Bez


    We're stuck with May for the time being, so we'll just have to make the best of the situation until we get a Labour government again.

      July 11, 2016 5:00 PM MDT

  • 15


      July 11, 2016 5:03 PM MDT

  • 16

    There is no real precedent for calling a general election when a party has changed leader. The Tories didn't do it when Major replaced Thatcher and Labour didn't do it when Brown replaced Blair.

    If we have a general election, it will be for the wrong reasons. If the Labour civil war rumbles on (which it probably will) then then May could decide that a snap election would be a low-risk way of increasing the Conservative majority.

    I otherwise agree with you post.

      July 11, 2016 10:49 PM MDT