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Awesome lesbian date ideas to impress the lady?

Category: Dating Tips.

I'm far from any expert in dating, not to speak about handing our tips. Never take my word for the truth in this field. Ahem. That's why I look up guides to get inspiration, or be confirmed in my idea being great. Yus. Found this article, and all wasn't new to me. I'm that good. Ha! Anyway, do you have any awesome lesbian date ideas that will impress the lady?

Top 5 Awesome Lesbian Date Ideas To Impress Your Lady

5. Volunteer somewhere together.

If you both love animals, volunteer at an animal shelter together. If you both love kids, check your local library – they usually have programs where volunteers read to kids on certain days (usually Saturdays). If you both are healthy enough and want to help others, give blood together. Whatever you both care about, there is a way to volunteer together and make a difference. You will both walk away from the experience happy with the way you’ve spent a Saturday and will have new things to talk about and will have spent a happy and productive day together doing something worth feeling good about.

4. Surprise her with plans.

Spontaneity usually fades after being together for a while, but there are ways to bring it back. One way is to surprise your girl by taking her to dinner at her favorite place, or by going to see the movie you have both been wanting to see, or just going to the mall to window-shop. Bonus points if you sneak away and buy her something she wants!

3. Plan an outside day.

Fresh air is good for exactly everyone. One Saturday, plan to go to the park with your dog, or go on a picnic or just go in your yard and lay in the grass or take pictures of the trees and flowers. Going to a nearby state or national park or going hiking would also be a good idea. It is a good chance to get out of the house together for a while and do something fun out in the sun. This might be more fun for a summer activity, unless it’s warm where you are now.

2. Have a photoshoot.

Whether or not you have a fancy camera is totally irrelevant to this activity. Both of you should get ready as you normally do, shower, clothes, make-up (or not), and then go somewhere pretty together. Whether it is outside in the yard, in a park, in an old part of town, or just in your living room, you’ll both have a lot of fun taking pictures of each-other and pictures of you both together. Again, bonus points will be rewarded if you print these pictures and put them in a frame.

1. Dinner and a movie can be nice, but there are more romantic ways to impress a special lady.

Take the “dinner and a movie idea” to the next level. Most of the best dates I have ever been on have been at home. The best dates are the ones that have obviously been thought about and planned. My suggestion is to cook her favorite meal and then watch a movie that you think you would both like. She’ll know that you pay attention to her by learning what foods she likes, what types of movie she likes, etc. and trust me, you WILL get points, which you may be able to redeem later that night. . .if you know what I mean. Ahem, anyway, if you can’t cook – I suggest getting take-out or pizza and surprising her after work or school. If she has the day off or something, I suggest you make her an awesome bubble bath, and set up dinner while she’s in the bath. When she gets out, dinner will be ready. She’ll have no choice but to be surprised and impressed. I have faith in you.

Source: 5 Awesome Lesbian Date Ideas To Impress Your Lady 

Posted - February 14, 2017
