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What Kind Of Metal Are You Made Of?

It's a quiz! My result: You're made of SILVER - Noble

You are a noble metal, like Silver! Silver has long been valued, and is more abundant than gold. It has been used as coin currency, and is also valued for its applications in solar panels, water filtration, jewelry, ornaments, high-value tableware and utensils. Industrially it is used in electrical contacts and conductors and contacts. Many silver compounds are also used as disinfectants and are added to bandages and other wound dressings.

Posted - February 15, 2017


  • 17260
    Used this link:

    You're Made of GOLD - Precious

    You are a precious metal, like Gold! Gold is bright, slightly reddish yellow, dense, soft, malleable, and ductile. It is a transition metal and is one of the least reactive chemical elements. It resists individual acids, but can be dissolved by "royal water" which is nitro-hydrochloric acid.. The historical value of gold was rooted in its medium rarity, easy handling and minting, easy smelting, non-corrodability, distinct color, and non-reactivity to other elements.
      February 16, 2017 3:05 AM MST