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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Some folks seem to be happier/more content the less they know. Isn't having information available a better way to go? Why?

Some folks seem to be happier/more content the less they know. Isn't having information available a better way to go? Why?

Posted - February 18, 2017


  • 22891
    i could see why, sometimes id rather not know too
      February 18, 2017 8:57 PM MST

  • 113301
    Me too. I have  found things out I didn't want to know..hurtful things. Things that were not helpful or useful. But you can't unknow what you know. So I'm stuck with that knowledge. Thank you for your reply pearl!  :)
      February 23, 2017 7:04 AM MST

  • 373
    Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
      February 22, 2017 3:44 PM MST

  • 113301
    In other words "It depends". That is not an answer C&D. What would be an answer is to give me an example of each. One in which not knowing is better and one in which knowing is better. That way I have something to think about. This way I don't. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday to thee! :)
      February 23, 2017 7:03 AM MST