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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Cults. The mentally/emotionally vulnerable are susceptible to being pulled in by them. The Donald did the same dam* thing. Are you one?

Cults. The mentally/emotionally vulnerable are susceptible to being pulled in by them. The Donald did the same dam* thing. Are you one?

Posted - February 19, 2017


  • I read a book by someone who works rescuing people from cults and exposing them and he had the idea that there is a cult for everybody. That no one is completely immune from being pulled into one, it's just whether or not that cult finds you at the right time.
    Nobody gets involved with a cult knowingly. That's the truly scary part about them. The ones that we are most likely to fall into the trap with are the ones we don't notice. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 19, 2017 10:26 AM MST
      February 19, 2017 9:57 AM MST

  • 2052
    The President pulled in everyone who is;
    fed up with a corrupt government and pay for play attitude
    fed up with U.S.A money that could resotore our infrastructure, take care of Vets or the homeless
    going to countries that could care less what happens to Americans. 
    Folks who are tired of hearing the lies and excuses of government 
    People who are tired of the insecurity we all feel due to a terrorist element coming into this country like the San Bernardino couple. 
    and on and on and on
    This post was edited by Sunshine at February 19, 2017 10:50 AM MST
      February 19, 2017 10:50 AM MST

  • 5835
    Rosie, are you ok? You are posting some weird stuff lately.

      February 19, 2017 12:55 PM MST