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What thoughts are weighing heavily on you right now?

I can't help but feel for the many illegals, that are law abiding hard working families. Yes, I understand the problems at hand. I often think about this, when I observe all the mexican laborers at road construction, roofing, painting, lawn work, wondering how many may live in fear. Not to paint with a broad brush, just empathetic. I have to believe many are in fear. There must be a better way.   

Posted - February 23, 2017


  • 7812
    I don't want to get into any specifics, but someone left me with an open wound. It hasn't healed and it goes unresolved. It's all I think about sometimes and I wish I could move past it. For now, I shall put it in the back of my mind until it festers into a mental illness.
      February 23, 2017 6:11 AM MST

  • I'm looking to buy a new house with some land on it and the one I really like the most? Well,three kids of the owner are fighting over who should get the house. I had my lawyer contacting all of their lawyers and trying to get them to split my offer three ways and be done with it. Such a nice house and I really like it but all this hassle is getting to me!
      February 23, 2017 6:20 AM MST