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A lot of talk about the police becoming more aggressive and militarized...

The 2nd amendment was provided not just for the protection of life and liberty from civilian thugs but also from the Government, if they stray away from the constitution, agree or disagree?

Posted - July 12, 2016


  • 275

    Within reason, but those arguments aren't taken very seriously nowadays as statements like that usually precede a barrage of Teapublican wing-nuttery.  If you have legitimate concerns about right to privacy and want to learn more about transitioning to personal computer systems that are more secure than Windows or Apple I agree with you.  Usually though the notion of an armed uprising precedes an extended rant from a birther nitwit about how they don't like Obama and think gay marriage will be the downfall of the nation. 

    Also, be warned, there are people like me who are liberals who will stand with the government if the Klan types decide to get out of hand, and that's a whole world of hurt you can't even imagine.  I'm an INTJ with a 140+ IQ and a mean streak. 

      July 12, 2016 5:24 PM MDT

  • 17641

    The Second Amendment was included expressly for protection of citizens against a tyrannical government.  Remember Thomas Jefferson said (paraphrased):  The Second Amendment will not be important until they try to take it away. 

      July 12, 2016 10:21 PM MDT

  • 3934

    Except, of course, the evidence from history (and the daily news) is so long as government tyranny is imposed upon Niggers and F***ING HADJIS, the Gun Fetishists who claim to need their guns to resist tyranny are largely silent about it (or, as with Cliven Bundy, openly supportive).

      July 12, 2016 10:59 PM MDT

  • 3934

    Translating original constitutional language and intent into modern life is tricky, at best.

    There is a substantial body of evidence indicating the main concern of the 2nd Amendment was to provide for SOME sort of military capability, but without a standing army. For example, right next to the 2nd Amendment on the Bill of Rights is the 3rd Amendment, which prohibits quartering of troops in private homes.

    Yet, the US DOES have a standing army today and has had standing armed forces for decades. Meanwhile, the evidence of history is no citizen rebellion succeeds against a standing army unless one or both of two things happen:

    1) The standing armed forces (at least in part) join the rebellion

    2) The rebellion receives logistical support from an external power (e.g. The American Revolution would have died a quick death without French money/supplies/training/naval support).

    If you think 3 guys with AR-15s in a Dodge Durango stand a chance against a Hellfire-equipped UAV...well, you're just delusional.

      July 12, 2016 11:07 PM MDT

  • 1264

    CSV, the kkk and other terrorist groups are not considered your average citizen, of course we stand against them, but that hardly pertains to my question. You lost me there after the first paragraph which I thought was very good.

      July 13, 2016 5:44 AM MDT

  • 1264

    If a rooster laid an egg on top of a barn which way would it roll?

      July 13, 2016 5:47 AM MDT

  • 1264

    Exactly Thrifty!!! He foresaw the coming of the progressive lib socialists that if they had it all their way would have the Gov. control everything about our lives, BIG BROTHER!!! And no way to fight back.

      July 13, 2016 5:52 AM MDT

  • 34963
    Yes 100% that is the purpose of the 2nd amendment.
      July 13, 2016 5:59 AM MDT

  • Yes. The main purpose of the 2nd amendment is so the people resist the state if necessary.

      July 13, 2016 9:24 AM MDT

  • 46117

    The 2nd Amendment is the right to bear arms. 

    The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms and was adopted on December 15, 1791, as part of the first ten amendments contained in the Bill of Rights.
    It has zilch to do with the right to kill cops.   Or the right to take guns and use them to kill each other. 
      July 13, 2016 9:28 AM MDT

  • 17641


      July 13, 2016 10:11 AM MDT

  • 17641

    If  rooster laid an egg that would be a miracle.  ;)

      July 13, 2016 10:13 AM MDT

  • 503

    Aren't you the guy who left the Country to avoid paying taxes ?

      July 13, 2016 10:23 AM MDT

  • 503

    Nice Google !

      July 13, 2016 10:24 AM MDT

  • OS - There is no tyranny coming down on black people or Muslims. They still have every right that other citizens do.

    Black people in America have massive delusions of persecution. The disadvantages they suffer are almost completely their own fault. African American culture is largely a degenerate glamorization of criminality, and vice. What persecution they do suffer is the actions of individuals, not systemic. They need to take responsibility, own their own sh*t, and stop blaming whitey for everything.

    The U.S. may well degenerate into a police state that needs to be resisted with arms. Though if it does, it's coming for everyone. The prince of darkness doesn't discriminate. He's coming for everyone.

    The current racial tension is mostly the fault of the far left who have irresponsibly fanned the flames of identity politics.

      July 13, 2016 11:07 AM MDT

  • 1002

    I thoroughly enjoyed watching the Seattle police get laughed out of court when they attempted to interpret it as them having the right to purely discretionary use of force. Ahh, the good ole days.

    I think a lot of departments are in for a rude awakening when their Use of Force guidelines are revisited and changed. The depts that don't follow suit? All freedom loving individuals have a duty to vote with their feet, abandon those locations, leave them with no tax-farm to plunder. It's really that simple.

      July 13, 2016 11:16 AM MDT

  • 3934

    @AS - As is typical of Authoritarian f***tards, you ignore the huge pile of evidence about the legacy effects of structural racism, and blame those who are its victims for their suffering.

    When unarmed African-Americans are 2.5 times as likely to be killed by police as light-skinned Americans (on a per capita basis), that's structural racism.

    When there is a problem of Driving While Black racial profiling that does not affect light-skinned Americans, that's structural racism.

    When there is a problem of people with "black-sounding" names having their otherwise-comparable resumes treated very differently by potentional employers then the Joe/Jane Smiths of the applicants, that's structural racism.

    Etc., etc., etc.

    And, then like the blazing F***ING HYPOCRITE you are, you claim discrimination against the African-American community is due to exceptional individual behavior, but the problems within the African-Community is due to "...[a] culture is largely a degenerate glamorization of criminality." This sort of F***ING HYPOCRISY is known as The Fundamental Attribution Error.

    I'd marvel at your ability to maintain such contradictions without spraining brain cells, except that such behavior to continue blaming Niggers and THE STOOPID EBIL LIBRUHLZ for social ills which lie elsewhere is a common and well-practiced bit of cognitive dissonance endemic to bigoted Authoritarian f***tards everywhere.

    Police don't abuse/shoot/kill unarmed African-Americans because of "..the far lef fanned the flames of identity politics". They do so because they are either scared or because they want to get their hate on, and because they know they won't be held accountable.  For you to make such a ridiculous misattribution...well, you know the drill.

      July 13, 2016 11:38 AM MDT

  • 3934

    @BSD -- Right, it's all TEH STOOPID EBIL LIBRUHLZ fault.

    Apparenly, this applies to you as well as Goldfinger Wannabe....

      July 13, 2016 11:41 AM MDT

  • 17641


      July 13, 2016 2:35 PM MDT

  • "When unarmed African-Americans are 2.5 times as likely to be killed by police as light-skinned Americans (on a per capita basis), that's structural racism."

    No, it's because black people are statistically far more likely to be criminal.

    You leftists always break down all human conflict into an oppressor class and victim class. The oppressor class is responsible for all its actions, there can be no excuse. The victim class is responsible for nothing. Nothing is an action, just reaction to their abuse. Take your cultural Marxist, subversive sh*t some place else. We are all responsible for our actions. We can all make excuses for our behaviour.

    "And, then like the blazing F***ING HYPOCRITE you are, you claim discrimination against the African-American community is DUE to exceptional individual behavior, but the problems within the African-Community is due to "...[a] culture is largely a degenerate glamorization of criminality."

    I don't think culture is really the CAUSE of the anything. It's an influence. It gives an indication of what the majority of individuals are thinking. Culture shows what is mainstream in a society.

    Individuals are influenced by the autosuggestion of the culture and by the authority of state. Though we all have free will. No one makes someone do anything. Even if someone puts a gun to your head, you still have a choice.

    Racism ISN'T part of white culture. In fact, it's strongly shamed by the culture. Whites who are racist keep it to themselves out fear of being socially ostracised, losing their jobs etc. The state has made discrimination illegal. Large proportions of white people suffer from irrational white guilt.

    Gangsterism IS part of black culture. It is strongly admired by the culture. Racism IS a part of black culture. Black people can openly, shamelessly and self righteously use racist jibes like "cracker" without criticism.

      July 13, 2016 2:56 PM MDT