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Discussion » Questions » Random Knowledge » You can't recognize what you don't have. I guess. Those without an imagination can't recognize it in others. How imaginative are YOU?

You can't recognize what you don't have. I guess. Those without an imagination can't recognize it in others. How imaginative are YOU?

Posted - February 28, 2017


  • 6988
    When I was about 8, I tried to build my own radio station with a broadcasting tower made of old housepainters' ladders.   Failing that, I actually spent money trying to assemble a jet engine that would be put in a homemade jet plane. That project, uh, never got off the ground. No other kids in my neighborhood understood my goals. I also built a raft that I hauled to the nearby river on the back of my little wagon, but it wouldn't carry my weight and ultimately sank. Finally, at age 15, I saved up my money and bought a motorcycle. Naturally, I had to start racing it, and won my first race, a National drag race class win. I still have the giant sized trophy. 
      February 28, 2017 1:22 PM MST