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Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » LIES. Some bother us a lot, others not so much. What kinds of lies bother you the most and which kind can you shrug off, not mind? Why?

LIES. Some bother us a lot, others not so much. What kinds of lies bother you the most and which kind can you shrug off, not mind? Why?

Posted - March 3, 2017


  • AG

    The kinds of lies that bother me the most are when people are being fake.

    They don't bother me as much when they are trying to avoid hurting somebody. For example I've chosen to let my best friend's boyfriend believe that someone is a good person who I've seen a different side of. Because it doesn't hurt him to think he's a good person. But the truth is gonna be something he will deny, or rationalize. And he doesn't want to believe that.
      March 3, 2017 8:14 AM MST

  • 113301
    That sounds very precarious AG. You know someone is not so hot but say nothing because of wanting to be kind. What happens when/if the truth comes out( and it always does)? Will you be blamed for not having said something? I know it's a really lousy place to be in for anyone. Should you or shouldn't you blow the whistle? I don't envy you. Thank you for your reply! :)
      March 3, 2017 1:43 PM MST