Discussion » Questions » Military » Which is most dangerous for the country and its people...attacks on the media, the courts/justice system or Intelligence Agencies?

Which is most dangerous for the country and its people...attacks on the media, the courts/justice system or Intelligence Agencies?

Which of them has the talent/power/ability to attack back best?  Which of them makes the more formidable enemy?  Why?

Posted - March 4, 2017


  • 314
    IMHO.....the media.  They 'police' the courts/justice system and intelligence agencies and report back to us...in a free press scenario....

    BTW....great question! This post was edited by Sugar Skull at March 5, 2017 5:26 AM MST
      March 4, 2017 6:02 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for the compliment! I appreciate it. I think they are all extremely dangerous but the media are a different group from us. It is the job of media to investigate/question/research/report. They are "them". Adversarial in nature. Otherwise they are not doing their jobs. I find that far less frightening/threatening than the others which represents "Us". A corrupt justice system (which I believe we now have in Jeff Sessions et al) and corrupt intelligence agencies (which I believe the FBI seems to be  RIGHT NOW) will destroy us. Why? Because they are charged with watching out for us, protecting us, defending us. They are not doing that. They are defending a foreign country and murderous despot  because the looney tunes American head of state is  either a  Russian puppet or a Russian mole as are all his selections/picks.  We the people are the hen house and The Donald picks only  foxes to "protect" us. What a load of crap that is! Thank you for your reply SS! :).
      March 5, 2017 5:32 AM MST