Most people think killing dogs for food is cruel, yet they don't seem to think twice about eating animals that are scientifically proven to be more capable of intelligent thought and emotion. If you eat animals, do you ever think about the lives they led before they were slaughtered and packaged for your consumption?
I have a different perspective, culturally. Some of the Indigenous people of NA ate dogs. Not as a staple of their diet, usually...though they were viewed as a sort of larder against possible winter famine. Mostly their usage was ceremonial. So, I'm not as repelled by the concept as many other people are.
Asian consumption of dog meat is not restricted to China or even one festival. It is a common dietary component. I do not judge other countries customs in other lands.
That being said, it's their methodology that offends our current method of factory farming does. Britain currently has a movement towards cruelty-free meats much like we do organics. They have unified the two movements under the cruelty-free banner. A brilliant idea, IMHO. One we should seriously consider emulating.
I was a vegetarian for 14 years, it wasn't bad. Now, I buy meat raised locally. No antibiotics, no feed lots, far more humane slaughter, healthier happier, animals usually slaughtered just days (sometimes hours) before they hit my table. But, I am fortunate to live in a rural, agrarian area, I recognize that it would not be as easy for someone in an urban locale.
Some food for thought, it an observation from a different culture and perspective...
The current Western cultural base being removed 'from the land' has altered us as a specie. I have made my own meat...taken life and prepared it for consumption in a subsistence situation. Most people have not and are repelled by it in total. I can understand how that has happened, it is too easy to run to the store and buy those preprepared immaculate steaks or chops or eggs and (and I quote) 'nothing has to die'.
This new cultural base has not served us well at all. We are more immured, IMHO, in concern for the animals welfare and quality of life prior to death than we are human welfare and quality of life. That bothers me greatly.
We are a mammal, homo erectus, who is designed and meant to be an omnivore...eating both meat and vegetation. And, concurrently to running out of arable space for ourselves and livestock, we are losing the capability to actually feed ourselves as individuals. Our diet of preprepared, chemically and genetically altered/colored/preserved, heavily salted and fat-laden, nitrite and nitrate saturated, MSG amplified food products is killing us, and we know it, and yet do nothing about it.