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Why does the Left care more about what foreignors think than what their fellow citizens think who maybe middle of the road

but in a position to help them in the next presidential election in four years?

Posted - March 5, 2017


  • It is a matter of it being an idea from the right so they have to be against.  Although Obama deported a few but it was okay by them at that time.  But there is blame to go around as the right does the same thing only I will say not as nasty or violent.
      March 5, 2017 1:20 PM MST

  • Well that's your opinion, of course..  Apparently it is factually so that Obama kicked out, so to speak way more illegals than has been credited by the Strumpet team.. there was an interview.. a Strumpet mouth-piece and an interviewer.. she gave facts and figs that showed Obama kicked out loads...and yet we seem to have these alternative facts persisting that he didn't.. it's a funny ol world we live in.
      March 5, 2017 1:50 PM MST

  • Lol oooooooooh a lefty question :P  You know of course that that's a humongous generalisation you have yourself there :P

    TO answer as best I can such an erm ahem generalised question.... 

    America NEEDS to care what the rest of the world thinks cos we are all reliant upon each other for trade.. if America wants to see, as Trump quotes, 'money pouring in' - then this is going to come from them there  feringers :P  And that's why it matters.. because America is reliant on importing and exporting skills and goods.. If the world despises and disrespects a nation who has a complete imbecile as prez.. this is gonna matter.. 

    And moving beyond trade.. while America is often accused of being fairly insular... they DO expect and want, (as we all do!) to be taken seriously and respected in the world arena.. I have heard Americans using terms like, *world leader* and *world's policemen' - it's entirely up to you.. many, many, including Russia would much prefer America go away and disappear into their own abyss but you can't have it both ways.. if you want to play in the arena and be respected, as an authority, an innovator and a leader, a country that other's look up to.. a shining example of democracy... well then it matters what ferriners think doesn't it?  

    Wonder how it would all be if America became so insular that none of its people were allowed to travel outside America, no exchange of ideas and inventions, no selling of same... no internet cos we don't want those nasty ferriners polluting the pure minds of Americans :P  No tv progs where Americans go exploit other countries for gold and treasure, where they go explore stuff.. 

    Seriously this is just logic.. it matters and right now, America, who already has a pretty grim rep internationally are number one target for disrespect having the biggest idiot ever as prez..

    btw.. I can't speak for all but those there middle of the roaders are perhaps blamed internationally for their inaction re the asswipe and internationally ridiculed prez you have.

    Nothing to do with left or right.. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at March 5, 2017 1:46 PM MST
      March 5, 2017 1:43 PM MST

  • 5614
    Methink you and Rosie are good representatives of the Left and honor you speaking for them.
      March 5, 2017 3:55 PM MST

  • 314

    Because many feel less threatened by their countrymen than foreign governments......rigthtly or not, they don't believe that the Right is going to drop a nuke on them.

      March 5, 2017 1:46 PM MST

  • 3907
    Hello O:

    Couple things...  My positions have nothing to do foreigners liking me..  AND, we don't need your help to win either..  We just need to get our own people OUT..

      March 5, 2017 3:25 PM MST

  • 5614
    The middle of the road people you claim are yours? I wonder what they think about that and have you ever considered they let Trump win or at least didn't mind if he did? Some of your people may have crossed over with your rhetoric helping them to do so.
      March 5, 2017 3:53 PM MST