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Discussion » Questions » Computers and the Internet » Has anyone downloaded any good countdown apps so they can see how long we have to endure Trump?

Has anyone downloaded any good countdown apps so they can see how long we have to endure Trump?

I just downloaded another one.. I had one, still have, on my phone but I got that the day Trump was elected and I think most people were still in disbelief at that point.. now there seem to be loads to choose from.. Was a tough decision trying to choose which one... 

I love the way the seconds tick off.. it's very comforting to see time flying by... 

I might even keep the apps going if the revolting creature gets impeached :P

Posted - March 8, 2017


  • 17260
    I see no reason why to constantly remind myself how long there is, and furthermore we still need someone to beat him in the next election. IMHO, we soon enough will be aware when his first period is about to close in. There's such a little thing as a primary election we need to get through before the next election for POTUS. 

    I'd say, focus on the midterm election instead... if you truly want a change that could mean something/a change in how power is divided right now. It will mean more to USA and rest of the world than this constantly talk about Trump, and Trump has to go now. Why waste the time on this instead of preparing for the next true battle? I hope the Democrats are more prepared than they were in the last election. Meh.
      March 8, 2017 9:07 AM MST

  • You make a good point.. but for me it's about reminding myself that time has already gone.. so there is less time now.. it's a small comfort but a comfort none-the-less :)

    I take your point about mid-term.. I like to think that might give good Americans some cheer and hope.. however, I can't see it will help the rest of the world.. for us the situation is still that a mad-man is in charge of a country, many of us care about .. and he will make America's standing in the world less favourable..  

    I am basing that on the fact that we have mid-term type elections..many times we see a protest vote in those.. but it doesn't change the government.. so I am assuming America situation is similar.

    I guess too.. re preparing for the next election.. there is nothing I can do on that one.. I cant prepare, there's nothing I can do.. I shall hope and leave the preparing to others.. I can only deal with the here and now.. perhaps that's why I need the app.. to know it isn't forever... but right here and right now all I see is an evil presence in the main position :(
      March 8, 2017 9:34 AM MST

  • 17260
    A change in seats will help not only the US, but also the rest of the world. Trump could be challenged way more than he can now. I'd prefer discussing midterms over all the repetitive questions inspired by today's news bulletin boards. They are trivial and boring. I read my news somewhere else than here. But that will be my take on it. Again, nothing against political inspired questions, only personally I'd prefer them more open questioned, and most of all of broader character than just Trump. That's not going to make a change among his supporters, or the way the Democrats look at themselves. Let's discuss how to reach voters, and what they look for. Now that would be interesting, and could also be valuable for the coming important elections in Europe: Holland, France and Germany just to mention three elections that risk becoming a disaster for democracy. Oomph.

    As for what you can do, you can ask questions on that subject as well as you can about Trump. If you don't believe in that I honestly don't get why you ask questions about Trump at all. Sorry. You know we look alike on Trump. I simply refuse to let him control all of my life.
      March 8, 2017 9:54 AM MST

  • I agree!  The elections in France, Germany and Holland will be very interesting.  Not sure if Marine La Penn and Angela Merkel will murder each other beforehand and Geert Wilders is going to have an uphill climb.  Certainly I think Europe is at a crossroad.
      March 8, 2017 10:29 PM MST

  • 17260
    France: As it looks now, it will be Marine Le Pen up against Emmanuel Macron. Macron is interesting out of several reasons. He was the protege of Hollande but went outside the socialist party to found his own movement reaching across the old definitions of left and right. He seems to be a new type of politician, and he might show us how to beat the nationalist movements we see around Europe and the rest of the world. I hope the democrats in the US is watching this.

    Holland: Looks like Wilders is having success and to win election, luckily it's no presidency in Holland, and there will have to be some sort of coalition to build a government. At this point it's highly unlikely that he can get enough seats in any coalition to build a government. It is however, scary how anti Muslim, and anti EU apparently seems to be enough to found a policy around for Wilders to become the largest party, but it does follow trends from other places. 

    Germany: Luckily it's another political system again. The presidency is without real powers, like the last monarchies around Europe. Lessons learned. The government needs, like most places in Europe to be build by a coalition to secure enough seats in the parliament to be elected. Right wingers do look stronger, and uglier than ever since WWII which is scary. However, it's unlikely they can become big enough to have enough seats to build their own government. It is a signal though.

    All Europe, and rest of the world should be warned by these tendencies, that do follow the brexit last year (not effected yet, May is still negotiating a way out that won't become too expensive for the Brits). All the anti Muslim, and anti EU is a warning to the traditional politicians to rethink. And in fully new ways than previously. You cannot become more extremist than the extremists. It will take other measures to get voters listening, and to beat those extremists. All the anti EU is a really bad sign, no matter what one thinks about the institution as such. The means of EU, when it was founded originally was to keep Europe safe, and not have a third WW. This is the crossroad not only Europe is heading for, but also the rest of the world. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at March 8, 2017 11:05 PM MST
      March 8, 2017 10:58 PM MST

  • The EU was presented to the British people as The Common Market, a trading agreement and from there it somehow became a group of faceless people in the EU Parliament who are making 85% of British laws which is insane.  I never thought the EU would work and I believe it will fall apart in the not too distant future.  If you look back at history these countries have never agreed on anything, two wars with Germany and now the opinion seems to be that Germany is controlling Europe and Frau Merkel has changed the face of Europe forever I'm afraid.

    Mrs Maybe is set to trigger Brexit on March 15th and not a minute too soon, The House Of Lords have tried to stop it but from what I gather she is going to go ahead on March 15th.  Britain has been paying 55 MILLION GBPounds per day for the privilege of having the EU Parliament dictate to us.  That's 55 MILLION Pounds a day that could be used to support the National Health Service which is in crisis as is the education system.

    Geert Wilders is a very brave man he has repeatedly warned of the problems of Islamistan, he has lived either in a police station or army barracks for the past ten years because of death threats, now what does that tell you?.  The Muslims are very open about wanting to take over Europe and it's believed that Belgium will be the first to fall to Sharia law within about 20 years, even the native Belgians agree that this will surely happen.

    You may have read my other comments about this problem and the uncontrolled immigration is a huge problem.  56% of Syrians committed a serious crime within a year of arrival in England and Wales.  In Austria 40% of immigrants said that they believed Sharia law took priority over the law of the land.  I have seen my country change in an unbelievable way, we now have no go zones for non Muslims, entire cities are largely Muslim.  You may read this as anti Muslim but I'm not against Muslims I just don't want them to dominate my country and impose their laws and traditions.  The native British people want the right to be British, we don't want Halal meat served to schoolchildren, we want to be able to wear a cross at work, we are supposed to be a Christian country with Her Majesty the Head of The Church Of England and yet it is acknowledged that it's the Christians who are being discriminated against.  Sharia courts are now operating openly in the UK even though Sharia law goes against British law.

    My grandfather is in a grave in France, killed by the Germans while he was fighting for our freedom as did all the men in Britain and many from the US so my question is why are these young men, and the immigrants are mostly young men, not fighting for their countries?  Why have the majority of them left their wives, mothers, sisters behind?  Swedish politicians have now come forward to say that Trump was right.  I'm going to post a question about this when I work out how to do it.

    Reading through your comment you see the actions of these politicians as anti Muslim and anti EU and in a sense you're right but what we see is the Europe and Britain we have all loved is disappearing, it's not the safe place we all knew, women and children have been violated by gangs of immigrant and our traditions offend the Muslim community. I have nothing against people of other religions, it's fine with me if somebody wants to worship a sack of wheat but just don't demand that I do the same.

    The Germans who were holding up signs saying Welcome Refugees have now changed their tune and last week it was announced that Frau Merkel was offering to pay the immigrants to go home.  The people in the US should pay attention to what has happened in Europe, it certainly can happen here so when they start parading on your street with banners that say Sharia law for the US remember that you were warned.  I was just sent an email about a local school that now has a prayer room for Muslim students and yet Christian students have been banned from praying at football matches. 
      March 9, 2017 1:47 AM MST

  • 17260
    I'm not sure what you believe to be my streets, I know I haven't mentioned them.

    Wilders has lived the way he has, not because he is hero, but because he deliberately has tried to stir the public and to provoke Muslims, he is one of the issues of a failed integration. One of them, there will be others. Hate however, won't secure Europe becoming a more safe place to live.

    Germany doesn't decide more than they are allowed by the other member states. That said, they are the largest single contributor to keep Europe, especially some of the countries that were facing a financial crisis running.

    Your crime numbers sounds convincing, but for sure I'd like to look up those sources first, before taking such numbers into any valid count. Numbers are easily manipulated, and headings fabricated to suit one's cause. We've seen plenty of that over time, from either side.

    Did I say Europe is perfect? Did I say that EU is perfect? I haven't seen this anywhere myself. As for the history behind EU you need to go back in history and look up The European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC).

    The ECSC was first proposed by French foreign minister Robert Schuman on 9 May 1950 as a way to prevent further war between France and Germany. He declared his aim was to "make war not only unthinkable but materially impossible"[3] which was to be achieved by regional integration, of which the ECSC was the first step. The Treaty would create a common market for coal and steel among its member states which served to neutralise competition between European nations over natural resources, particularly in the Ruhr.

    Source: Wikipedia 

    Since then a lot has happened and a lot has been put under the umbrella of cooperation between member states.

    As for Swedish politicians, yes Sweden too has ultra right extremists, and some of them are organized in a party, similar to other countries in Europe. Actually Sweden has a large group of extremists. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at March 10, 2017 9:27 AM MST
      March 9, 2017 2:07 AM MST

  • Yoga... I couldn't agree more.. you said it way better than I could have! Totally with you.. lol the only thing you and I don't agree on is that Trump is a vile obnoxious goit!  His everything offends me :P
      March 10, 2017 8:33 AM MST

  • 17260
    You take those crime statistics for granted without seeing any source? Really? I am surprised...
      March 10, 2017 9:25 AM MST

  • Hi Saph.. you are you and I am me :P It's a simple as that.. we have differing perspectives is all..  to me Trump is the most dangerous thing ever for America.. and it's increidble to me that people are tolerating such utterly vile imbecillic behaviour. he discredits America, he discredits human beings. he makes me ashamed to be a member of the same species.. he is vile.. and he poses a real and present danger to America and indirectly to us all..  that's reason enough for me to talk about him.. 

    I am a simple creature I see, I comment.. I am a person almost wholly centred on NOW.. the past is gone, the future is not something we can guarantee.. now is all we have.. so when I see bad things.. what should I do? I discuss them.. and right now it just so happens that Trump is grabbing the headlines.. not my fault.. not anyones.. it's TOPICAL.. that's all... and it's something that affects us all.. even if we choose to ignore it.. 

    If Trump would kindly shut his cake hole and stop acting like an ass.. I would have notihng to comment on now would i?  simple :P Btw you, like I get our news from elsewhere.. I get mine from the Times.. I have always made that known.. 
      March 10, 2017 8:26 AM MST

  • 17260
    We do the same in Europe if we don't wake up soon. Really soon. You guys took the first step. A destabilized Europe in combination with the political leadership we see in Russia and the US... If you cannot see where we are heading... Well, I give up... 
      March 10, 2017 9:28 AM MST

  • No because I have no endurance. It's shot.
    He was great during the primaries making his opponents look like asses, but the amusement is gone. 
      March 8, 2017 9:08 AM MST

  • LOL I don't have endurance either .. which is why I need constant reminders that time is passing... one second less of that evil twit is a blessing.. 

    I cannot imagine he was ever amusing but bow to your greater experience on this one.. I did watch a documentary about him which showed how rubbish his deals were and how badly he treated workers and how he used loopholes to get public money etc... horrible man
      March 8, 2017 9:26 AM MST

  • Did you watch the debates??? LOL

    That was the greatest clown show on earth. He humiliated and destroyed Lying Ted, Mopey Jeb, and Little Marco. It was a beautiful sight to behold and glorious. 

    That is the only thing I will ever say he did right
      March 8, 2017 9:29 AM MST

  • LOL no i didn't watch any debates..
      March 8, 2017 9:37 AM MST

  • 7809
    An app like that will only make time go even more slowly. Don't punish yourself like that.
      March 10, 2017 8:27 AM MST