For a large part of American history, "high class" meant "imported", and especially imported from France. Well, as far as the working class cares, the French don't have a language of their own, they just mumble and act cool. So people who have to shop cheaply give the store French-sounding names, resembling Piaget or Peugeot or something made up. Members of the bagpipe band in Atlanta claim their tartans are "Clan Woolworth" or "Stewart of Penney's" (pronounced "Puh-nays"), even if they actually ordered them from Scotland.
Jewels is right. That "et" is pronounced "ay" in French. It's just a joke, really, made by people acknowledging that they're buying cheap rubbish and having a little laugh at themselves by giving it a classy-sounding name.
Tar-get, as in; "Hit the target". It's a cheap place to shop, except for groceries which a surprisingly high in there, but most of the clothes are cheap. The furniture is cheap, too. And that's because it's poorly made. Like Value City is. It's cheap crap that doesn't last.