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Snapshots/Movie frames/Individual increments. OR a continuous flow like a river. An ebb and flow like an ocean. What is consciousness?

Posted - March 14, 2017


  • 372
    Fascinating question. Movie frames, for example, ARE incremental but are PERCEIVED as continuous flow. More famously, Einstein determined that light came in discrete packets (quanta) which was about as counter-intuitive as can be.

    My guess is that all reality, including consciousness, is incremental but perceived as continuous. A scientist could argue either side citing the photon for incremental and the electron (a fuzzy thing impossible to pin down) for continuous.  

    Not being a scientist, I would have to seek the answer in philosophy. But I'm not a philosopher either. 

    So - I don't know.
      March 14, 2017 12:55 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for the compliment Louie. I assume calling something "fascinating" is one. Thank you for your very thoughtful answer. I'm not a scientist but quantum physics fascinates me (there's that word again) as does all mysterious things of which the brain is certainly one. If true that we create our own reality then I wonder why we share the same one? Is there a consensus formed at some deep level to which we all agree or is it done for us automatically? If that is true then we have no control over that reality at all, do we? It gets murkier the more one thinks about such things. Happy Wednesday m'dear! :)
      March 15, 2017 6:40 AM MDT