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Discussion » Questions » answerMug Members » Have you noticed and does it alarm you that muggers are using the word hate in a lot of their questions, as opposed to dislike?

Have you noticed and does it alarm you that muggers are using the word hate in a lot of their questions, as opposed to dislike?

Forget skin color {If you can} and focus on hearts turning black. Is the glass really that empty, really? Check it out, count how many times you'll see the word hate.

Posted - July 14, 2016


  • Yeah, I hate that.

      July 14, 2016 8:27 AM MDT

  • (Sorry, couldn't resist)

      July 14, 2016 9:03 AM MDT

  • 46117

    Oh please.   I don't hate you.  But I hate what you say and stand for half the time.  Yes, HATE.

    And as for the questions on here?

    I HATE ignornace

    I hate speechifying when the speaker doesn't know his butt from a hole in the ground, just to assert some hair-brained opinion.  If you are going to answer, have a clue as to what the argument is even about?

    I TOTALLY HATE TRUMP.  All he stands for.   He is the king of haters and draws hate TOWARDS him.

    I hate Bush and all his minions.

    So, yes. I HATE things.  Passionately and I will continue to hate when people use GOD to be on THEIR side.

    You got a problem with that?  oh yes, I hate hypocrites most of all. 

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      July 14, 2016 9:07 AM MDT